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Fibre phone adaptor extension cable

On our wavelength

Called VM at the weekend and after reviewing several options for the new changeover the best solution for me is to have an extended adaptor sent out rather than the standard short adaptor. The agent was going to do this for me but then discovered that she didnt have the capability of doing this but told me that a longer adaptor cable could be purchased from the likes of Amazon and if I contacted VM Chat they would confirm the specification required and also confirm how I would be reimbursed for buying the cable.

I cant find VM Chat anywhere. Can someone from VM point me to it or let me know how I can advance this?


Forum Team
Forum Team

Hi @Any1else thanks for posting and welcome back to our community.

For future reference, all our contact methods can be found here.  This would include the live chat option, if it's available at that time.  However, as you've reached out on our community, I would love to look on your behalf. I am going to send you a private message. Please look out for the purple envelope in the top right of your screen.

