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Don't want a fibre optic landline.

On our wavelength

Can someone help me with advice on how to actually book a technician? I have gone round in circles. Our telephone connection is downstairs, there is a plugged in phone upstairs in the office and the PC is upstairs. We will need a much longer cable than the 2 inches supplied and I don't even understand what the hub is.  We are 70 and 75 and dont really use mobiles so the phone is very important to us!  This is causing us a lot of stress and worry.


Forum Team (Retired)
Forum Team (Retired)

Hi @JulieT6 


Thanks for posting on our community forum and a big warm welcome with this being your first post here.


I'll drop you a private message now to confirm some more details and investigate further so we can have this sorted for you, please keep an eye on your inbox for a message from myself.



Forum Team

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Alessandro Volta

Do you use VM for a broadband/internet connection or are you a phone-only or phone+TV-only customer with VM?

VM should make any necessary changes for you (including rewiring your existing phone sockets) free of charge as part of the switchover.