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Does Essential Broadband mean you can't also have Homephone?

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Hi. Writing on behalf of an elderly parent. Any accurate info about this would be greatly appreciated.

We wanted to take advantage of the cheaper broadband offered through the social tariff and used the Live Chat to switch my broadband over to that. It all seems to go very smoothly until next day when we discovered our phone had been disconnected overnight. A Virgin Media adviser told me that it was not possible to have Essential Broadband and Homephone - it was one or the other, and that we couldn't have a landline phone as an optional extra. We hadn't wanted any changes to the landline at all and wanted to continue to use and pay for it, just as we had on our previous package. All we wanted to do was change the broadband part of our package over to Essential Broadband. Now we've lost our home phone number which we'd had for 10+ years.

Is it true that you can't have a landline phone if you opt for Essential Broadband.

Thanks in advance.