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1571 not working

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Just returned from holiday to find missed call indicator on phone. When calling 1571 the call connects but there is no voicemail service. If I dial my home phone from mobile the phone rings but instead of going to voicemail the handset stops ringing but the mobile phone still  has ringing tone.


Forum Team
Forum Team

Hi Wesdale32 👋🏼.

Thank you for posting and welcoming you back onto the community forum ☺.

Sorry to see there is an issue with your landline service and your voicemail ☹.

Have you tried an additional device? If so what happens?

Has your voicemail worked before you went on holiday?

Does it just happen when you ring out? What happens when you use another device to ring your landline, are you able to leave a voicemail? 

Let us know, we want to help. 

Ari - Forum Team

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All devices behave the same. As mentioned in the original post when dialling from mobile the voicemail does not kick in the call keeps ringing but home handset stops ringing. Worked ok a couple of weeks ago

Thank you for trying and coming back to us Wasdale32 😊

So I can look into this and run some checks on our end, I will have to private message you.

Please watch out for the envelope ✉.

Thank you. 

Ari - Forum Team

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I have had a look into your account and I can see Voicemail on there. However what I have done is removed it and will add it back on.

As I have removed it, it will take 24 hours to be removed, once 24 hour is up I will then re add the voicemail.

Thank you. 

Ari - Forum Team

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I have the same issue. When I dial out I get the broken tone initially to let me know that there is a message, but when I dial 1571 it rings then goes dead with no sound at all. I phoned the landline from my mobile and it doesn't kick into the answer machine, it just keeps ringing on the mobile even once the landline phone has stopped ringing

hi I had tried 1571 from landline and found it connected to voicemail so I assumed that this was now ok. However when I called home from my mobile the line kept ringing and didn’t divert to voicemail 

Hi @wasdale32,

Can you confirm how long you left the call ringing for, please?


Zach - Forum Team
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16 rings the first time and 20 the second time I tried. I realise that there’s a default lead in of 10 rings so obviously I left it longer 

Hi @wasdale32,

Thank you for confirming. So that I can take a closer look at things, I'm going to send you a private message in a few moments. Please respond to this when you can and we'll proceed from there.


Zach - Forum Team
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