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None stop disconnects on Destiny 2

Tuning in

As the title reads.

My connection is ridiculously unstable. It's been like this for as long as I can remember. I lag in other games as well. Massive ping spikes, dropped connections and packet loss. The issue with Destiny is that it is far more unforgiving towards unstable internet than most other games. I've had two new hubs in the time I've been with Virgin. Had multiple engineers out. This happens on every computer on the network, wired or wireless. It's beyond a joke now. I don't want to deal with this anymore. I'd rather go to BT and lose 1000Mb download than deal with this. Speaking to all my friends, they all say the same thing about Virgin. Fast speeds, unstable connection.

What more can be done? I've reinstalled windows. Tried multiple computers, multiple hubs. Had the wiring in my home changed. Have all my drivers updated. Literally nothing is fixing this. I even had an attenuator attached to my hub, which did NOTHING. This forum post is basically one last ditch effort to find the root cause because I am at the end of my rope with this nonsense.



Very Insightful Person
Very Insightful Person

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On our wavelength

There is nothing you can do. I was warned by other forums members when I made a similar post that it's the choice between changing provider or just accepting that you can no longer play online games. They were 100% correct.

I cancelled my 1gbps contract earlier today during the time where the entire country's Virgin network was down. Having BT installed on 17th April, only 70mbps but I can't wait to actually play 2042 without packet loss and lag spikes. If it means I need to go back to the days of leaving my PC/console on overnight to download games then so be it.

Save yourself the stress of what many of us have already gone through, there literally is no hope with Virgin until they upgrade their entire network to full fibre (currently only in very few select areas), had this confirmed by the first engineer that was unable to help.

Don't setup a BQM, it just adds more stress to the whole situation. Virgin will keep saying they can help, but all they're actually doing is keeping you on the contract as long as possible before you eventually leave.

If you're still under contract, submit a complaint from your Virgin account stating you aren't receiving the service you're paying for. Ask to cancel without cost, if they refuse send the case to the ombudsman and they will sort it out for you. I'd honestly be willing to bet that a cheap 5G router deal from Three at £20 a month would be more stable and probably a lot faster than going back to BT. It's also worth checking if full fibre is/will be available in your area, as you'll then have the choice between sky/BT/vodafone etc who are all way cheaper than Virgin too... AND you get English call centres.

Don't worry, I cancelled. I've had two years of none stop issues. I set up a BQM a year back, it showed none stop latency spikes and packet loss. I'm not going to waste my time again. I cancelled my contract, it ends end of month. Switching to BT. I'd rather take a massive speed hit but have an internet I can actually game on than a fast internet that I literally cannot use for gaming because of constant disconnects/lag spikes. Goodbye Virgin Media, I won't miss you and for as long as I live I will tell everyone to avoid you like the plague.