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High latency

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Having super high latency. My friends who are on virgin in same city don’t get it. Rang up virgin media loads of times but they don’t want to know. I even opened up a complaint. No one called me back and said I had to wait 1 month for an engineer. Please help


Alessandro Volta

How are you measuring latency?

Post a link to a BQM

- jpeg1
My name is NOT Alessandro. That's just a tag Virginmedia sticks on some contributors. Please ignore it.

I am using UniFi software as I have a UniFi dream machine and a few access points and a switch. So the software has a up to date latency monitor. Is there something more accurate or anything else you advise?

jpeg1 has already pointed you to setup a BQM.  It'll produce a chart that SHOULD look like this:

My Broadband Ping - Virgin Media 200 Mbps

Forum Team
Forum Team

Hi @busyomar 👋,

A warm welcome to our Community Forums and thanks for your post. Great to have you on board with us here 😊

I am sorry you've been having some issues with our service. I would love to help further!

I've ran some checks on our systems and everything does look okay this end at the time of writing. I note there is a 27 day uptime on your hub. Could you try rebooting your router to see if this makes any difference?

It would also be worth setting up a BQM as suggested. We advise to keep it running for around 24-48 hours to gather enough data. You can then post a link to your live BQM on this thread and we can take it from there. 

Thank you

Forum Team

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Only managed to get the monitor working yesterday as had to change settings in the router. Here it is

[url=]My Broadband Ping[/url]



Alessandro Volta

The BQM shows a high degree of contention - your local VM network is very busy and this certainly explains the latency.

As @Ayisha_B promised to take it from there, you'll have to see what she proposes to do to get this sorted. 

- jpeg1
My name is NOT Alessandro. That's just a tag Virginmedia sticks on some contributors. Please ignore it.


I even restarted my modem last night around 8pm. And you can see made no difference.




i had an enginerr booked from december. he came and said nothing is wrong with the line, signal or equipment. he took my router out of modem mode and hard reset it. i made a new bqm and have attched it. im no expert but graph still looks just as bad and clearly something is wrong. and this is also when no one is home and no internet usage

