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Tuning in

Hi Received this email 

Your Virgin Media Account number: 22 - [MOD EDIT: Removed]
Our reference: VMIS158-SUSPICIOUS_ACTIVITY-F010555003
A device using your internet connection may be infected with malware
Dear Mr Cirulis,
You have received this email as one or more of your Virgin Media mailboxes has recently been locked due to suspicious activity being detected.
It is important that you:
a. Do a full virus scan on your device with up-to-date anti-virus software
b. Reset your password to something new, unique to this account and secure.
After resetting your password, your mailbox will automatically be unlocked after 15 minutes.
Please ensure that the above points have been completed to prevent your mailbox from being locked again.
More help and support
For extra advice, or to double-check that this is a genuine Virgin Media communication, head to our community at, click 'Help forum' and join the conversation on the Security Matters board.
Kind regards,
The Virgin Media team
I have checked all my devices no probs there but cannot access my NTLworld email box. If i put in my email and password it tells me the password is incorrect. To be honest I only use it for a few people and have my mails forwarded to my AOL email but its now not forwarding anything either..... HELP 

Very Insightful Person
Very Insightful Person

You need to follow all the instructions provided including changing the password for the Ntlworld email address concerned.

Each email address now has its own My VM account

Secondary accounts changes now have to be made via the My Virgin Media account for the secondary email.

Sign into the account here: using the email address concerned and the current password. Once logged in click on Account Settings then Account details. You should now see the options to change password etc.

If that isn't available try

If no security answers have been set for the email address concerned then you will need to call in for support and select technical issues> email


I'm a Very Insightful Person, I'm here to share knowledge, I don't work for Virgin Media, I'm a VM customer. There are no guarantees that my advice will work. Please read the FAQs
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Rising star

Received the same. My point is I got this letter attachment via my mail app on iOS as I was locked out of my blueyonder web mail until after I changed passwords etc. had I not got the mail app how would I have been made aware (save for being locked out with no idea why?) Does no one in VM have an inkling as to reality? 

Rising star

Had the very same letter attached to an email which came in via my iOS mail app. I was locked out of my blueyonder web mail. Had I not had the mail app how was I expected to receive this? Does anyone in VM live on the same planet as we do? 

Hi @ianjayne 

Welcome back to the community forums. 


Sorry to hear you've got the same letter and your concern it was attached to your email. 

Please follow the instructions and let us know if you have any further questions or concern at all regarding your access. We'll be here to help on the community forums if needed :). 

Here to help 🙂
Virgin Media Forums Agent

I've followed the guidance and reset all. Now got web mail back thanks.  BB still dropping in and out though. Apologies for the duplicate (almost) post.

Glad to hear that you have access back now @ianjayne 

I can see you have an open thread regarding your broadband issue and outage information. If you have any further concerns on this, please response on that thread and the team will be able to support further and provide any updates on the outage fix time. 

Here to help 🙂
Virgin Media Forums Agent

I’ve replied accordingly !

Thank you @ianjayne 

The agent will support further if needed on the thread. 

Here to help 🙂
Virgin Media Forums Agent