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resetting email account on iPhone

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Hi, after days of loss of service for emails I had to reset my virgin mail account on my phone and laptop. I've jumped through all the hoops recommend on the Apple site but I still get a "no password provided" message when trying to reinstall my virgin media email account as the mail account on the phone and "Unable to verify account name or password" on the laptop. 

The very last line on the Apple help page states,"If the steps in this article haven’t helped, contact your email service provider for more information."

I was wondering if there is some kind of verification code needed from Virgin?

Just to be clear, everything was in perfect working order before the email service went down at the beginning of the week.

(I still haven't had the old emails restored, but I can send and receive new mail now when I sign in via the web browser),



Wise owl

Did you If you set a "app" password  If so then you must use that password for non-webmail.

And I am not sure on this - taking a guess - But Changing the main password doesn't lock out the other email clients, so - again not sure and taking a guess - when they moved to this "new" system they probably propigated the "app password" with the "account password" to make it seem seamless to existing customers - again - a guess... So try using your OLD password if you didn't set up the "App Password" thing.  Or set up that "App Password" and use that on your iPhone.

I do not work for VM, but I would. It is just a Job.
Most things I say I make up and sometimes it's useful, don't be mean if it's wrong.
I would also make websites for them, because the job never seems to require the website to work.

Thank you very much, it worked!

I didn't have to do that when I first installed the mail accounts on the phone and computer, but it's all good now thanks again - I can now show this to my wife so she can sort her phone.

Thanks again.

Hi @RG5,

Thank you for your posts and welcome back to our community forums. We're here to help.

I am so sorry to hear you've had some trouble with your email account recently, but I'm glad to hear that the community have helped you to reach a resolution.

Please do let us know if there's anything more that we can help you with.


Zach - Forum Team
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I am in the same situation and stuck on what to do. I look into my account on virgin media website also and see my emails are not there either. 

Hi there @Ness49 

Thank you so much for your post and welcome to the community forums, it's great to have you on board. 

We are so sorry to hear that you are also facing this issue, can I just check if you have followed the steps provided by our community member VMCopperUser?


No I haven’t as I have been expecting virgin media to contact me to say it’s been restored to be honest. I am now concerned that we are left to sort ot out ourselves. I can’t log in either on my Mac as it doesn’t recognize my password or account now. However when I go onto virgin media website and log into email then I am in my account but still no sign of my emails beyond 19 June. 
Where do I find VMcopper user and there advice if different 




I am new on this forum having encountered the same issue with loosing my life’s savings of emails for the first time in 18 years. I have the old virgin .net account and never seen this issue before. I dont have a virgin media account or app, just have access to email but have never used it as I use other domains Mac, or outlook.

So I’m unsure what you are referring to here in terms of password app or website as I never had one. Doesn’t makes sense

Thank you @Ness49 

The advise is written in this thread, just scroll up to read it. Please do let us know how things are looking once you have tried. 

Joining in

Hi I am afraid this is not relevant to me. I didn't have an app before this happened and only used virgin for email service, on my Mac and iPhone. 

its been a week now without my older emails and all seems to have gone quiet.