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my wifes email address not valid

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i tried to log into my secondary,my wifes account  but comes up not valid.


Very Insightful Person
Very Insightful Person

@howy_c wrote:

 comes up not valid.

This may sound silly but in my experience the "Please enter a valid email address" error comes up when you have entered a character in the email address field that is not allowed in an email address.

As an example of that, I have just entered one of my Virgin Media email addresses into the signin page but put a blank  space at the start of the address. Blank spaces are not allowed in a VM email address so despite the fact that the email address itself is correct the space in front of it results in the error I assume you are seeing;

enter a valid email address.png



It's easy to include a blank space when you paste an email address into the field.

If you are pasting the address in I would suggest you try typing the address in manually.



I'm a Very Insightful Person, I'm here to share knowledge, I don't work for Virgin Media.

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hi thanks for that,however i have entered the correct, userrname  password hundreds of times,and been on the phone to vm customer support,it, and tech.,for hours , but they say it should work, but it suddenly stopped after we enter the wrong password,as it was forggotten, and there is no way to retrive it from vm

Hi there @howy_c 


Thank you so much for your post and welcome to the community forums, it's great to have you here. 


I am so sorry that you have faced this issue regarding the secondary account. I would be happy to look into this with you, I will need to do so via a Private Message. 


I will pop you a PM across now, please keep an eye out for the envelope at the top of your screen alerting you to a new message.