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lost email access

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Hello, my wife accidentally dropped her phone in water, this damaged it beyond repair, so I bought a new phone for her. Sadly, she can't remember her Google password and she hadn't updated her phone number. She did however have a backup, that's her ntlworld email account, so we thought the day was saved, unfortunately when trying to login to said account it's not recognised, despite us still having a Virgin account, please help, otherwise she's lost all her photos, settings etc.


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Sorry, adding this reply as I didn't select the 'email me when someone replies' box in the initial post.

Hi @lswilson 👋

A warm welcome to our Community Forums and thanks for your post. 

I am sorry to hear your wife is now having some issues accessing her email account. 

Can you confirm if a password reset has been attempted?

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Hi, yes attempted several times, yet the actual email address doesn't seem to be accepted, it's definitely the correct address, it's as if the account has been disabled or something.


As I said in the original post, we are still Virgin media customers and my ntlworld email is still up and used daily.


I can give you her email address if you like, but wonder if it's safe to do so in a public forum?

I'll drop you a PM 📩 so we can take a closer look into this. 

Speak soon!

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Thank you.

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Any luck Ayisha? I've had no further replies, nor private message.