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iPhone email

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Hi 👋 suddenly my emails have stopped working on my iPhone, I have removed my account from my I phone and reader but all I get now all the time is 


 I know it’s the right password as firstly I reset it and secondly I can log on via the virgin media site to look at my emails, I have also downloaded the gmail app and this still presents me with the same problem (username/password not recognised) I would be most grateful if anyone has any suggestions as to how to sort this issue



Very Insightful Person
Very Insightful Person

It would be helpful to see what, if any, error code is returned by the SMTP server in this situation. From a desktop or laptop device open a Command Shell in Window or otherwise a Terminal. and enter the following where username:password is replaced with your email address and password, i.e.

curl -v smtps:// -u username:password

Do not post the resulting output here but instead review it for possible reported causes, i.e. VM error code; choosing to ignore this advice and posting the output here unredacted or incorrectly redacted may reveal your email address, password and / or public IP Address.

FYI if there is no issue then you should see the following output from the curl command:

< 334
> [Redacted]
< 235 2.7.0 SMTP350 Authentication successful for user [Redacted]
< 214-2.0.0 This is cmsmtp ESMTP service help
214-2.0.0 This is cmsmtp ESMTP service help
< 214-2.0.0 To contact postmaster send email to
214-2.0.0 To contact postmaster send email to
< 214-2.0.0 For local information send email to Postmaster at your site.
214-2.0.0 For local information send email to Postmaster at your site.
< 214 2.0.0 end of HELP info
214 2.0.0 end of HELP info
* Connection #0 to host left intact

Otherwise unsuccessful will look similar to the following:

< 334
> [Redacted]
< 525 5.7.13 Authentication Denied (VM320)
* Closing connection 0
* TLSv1.2 (OUT), TLS alert, close notify (256):
curl: (67) Login denied


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Hi thanks for your help

i get  the following after trying that
• schannel: disabled automatic use of client certificate

•schannel: next intializesecuritycontext failed: unknown error (0x80092012) - the revocation function was unable to check revocation for the certificate

• closing connection 0

curl:(35) schannel: •schannel: next intializesecuritycontext failed: unknown error (0x80092012) - the revocation function was unable to check revocation for the certificate


Very Insightful Person
Very Insightful Person

This issue with not being able to check a certificate's revocation state has been reported more than a few time in the past and before the cause can be identified by Virgin Media it resolves itself — issue has been flagged to the forum team. In the meantime use webmail.

Hi @MaggotDrowner99,

Thank you for your posts and welcome to our community forums. We're here to help.

I am so sorry to hear that you're having some issues using your email service via the Apple Mail app on your device. Can you please check and confirm that you have no issues accessing and using it via the webmail platform on our website? We can then proceed from there.


Zach - Forum Team
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Hi Zach

yes it fine when I access through virgin media’s page but I can’t get on to the email via an other source or platform 

Hi @MaggotDrowner99,

Thank you for confirming. Have you also tried removing the email account completely and then re-adding it?



Zach - Forum Team
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Yes I’ve tried removing it and reading g a few times, I also downloaded the gmail app and tried that and also have tried outlook on my laptop and no of them will let me on

Hi @MaggotDrowner99,

Thank you for coming back to us. We are very sorry to hear that you're having some issues with accessing your mailbox

I understand that you can access it through our website. When you access your mailbox through your MyVirginMedia, are you able to reset your password through there and then try accessing your mailbox through the third party apps.

Let us know how you're getting on. 

Thank you.

Forum Team

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