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Where are my emails

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MY inbox has totally disappeared.

What is going on with virgin? I know people have had similar problems recently

I have had intermittent disappearing email service and last week I kept losing internet and tv service


Forum Team
Forum Team

Hi there @Stewartmetman 

Thank you so much for your first post to our community forums and welcome to the team, it's great to have you here.

I am so sorry to hear that you have faced this issue with your email, can I ask if this has happened across web or client mail or both?

Joining in

If I knew what "web or client mail" meant I could tell you

OK looked it up it is webmail.

Forum Team (Retired)
Forum Team (Retired)

Thank you for your reply and for confirming this, Stewartmetman.

Could you also advise what happens if you log in to your email over a client software (e.g. Outlook) if that's possible and if you're able to view all your emails there?

We'll be eager to assist further where that's needed, please visit our link here on how to manage your email accounts and try the step-by-step process of resetting your email password.

Let us know if this helps clear the issue out or if you need more assistance.

Forum Team

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I don’t use a client email.

I used to use outlook but it downloaded all my emails to one computer so I couldn’t access them from other devices Won’t that happen again if I use outlook?

Tried Outlook and there is nothing there from before Sunday when all this started.

Not surprised really

Forum Team (Retired)
Forum Team (Retired)

Thanks for the response there, 

Are you also able to check MyVM to see if you can gain access to your inbox that way?



Joining in

If you mean log on to my emails directly from the Virgin site? Yepandstill didn't work

Joining in

Just to clarify I am still getting some emails through but everything that was in my inbox from before Sunday has disappeared

"please visit our link here on how to manage your email accounts and try the step-by-step process of resetting your email password".

You say that but there is no step-by-step process of resetting your email password that I can see.

There is stuff about generating a new password for mobile apps but not resetting your existing password.

Have you looked or is this just what they tell you to say?