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Transfer email address to new accout

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I previously had my email address linke to my wife's virgin account.

My wife has closed her account and I have now taken up a new account.

I can still access my old email address via outlook and other apps, but cannot login online or manage the old email passwords.

Is it possible to have my old email transferred to my new virgin account?


Very Insightful Person
Very Insightful Person

@colinm001 It may be possible if both the former and new account holder can clear security with the VM Forum Team.  However, as a general rule VM no longer allow this.


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Very Insightful Person
Very Insightful Person

Move and transfer was designed for the main account holder to move their email profile (main and secondary emails) to a new account, for example if they move home.  It wasn't designed to move individual accounts, nor was it designed to move an email profile from one user to another.

The other issue is that Virgin Media no longer provide email to new accounts.  So that also might mean that a move and transfer might not be possible anyway.  The Forum Team can check whether it is possible but you need to be prepared for the worst.

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Fibre optic

This used to be possible, but as Graham has mentioned above, VM do seem to have changed their policy to no longer allow this, other in the case where the customer moves home and creates a new account but in this case the old and new account holder are the same person.

This doesn't seem to be the case for you, and it is quite possible that your old, existing email addresses, which were subordinate to your wife's ex-account are now 'orphaned' and prone to being deleted after 90 days.

Personally, I would work on the basis that this isn't going to happen and that you existing email addresses, mailboxes and all the mail within them is absolutely going to be deleted after three months or so. This does give you a grace period to spin up a new, independent email account with another provider (Microsoft, Google etc.) and inform all of your contacts of this change.

Now it might be that VM are able to do what you want, but the criteria for this to be done does seem to be somewhat vague, and certainly can't be assumed to be probable!

Forum Team
Forum Team

Hi @colinm001 👋 Thank you for your post and welcome to the Virgin Media Community 😀

In order to look into your query further, we'll send you a private message on here. Look out for the envelope in the top right-hand corner.
