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Syncing with server

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Ntlworld emails on my Windows11 PC have not worked with Outlook since mid June. I do get them on my android phone and via Mail, but that doesn't keep emails beyond a few days. I've been in contact with VM several times over the weeks but have not got anywhere with this approach. I've noted that similar problems have occurred with many other users over these weeks but VM state that most of these have been resolved.

Can anyone suggest a way for me to resolve the issue?

Many thanks in advance! 


Forum Team
Forum Team

Hi there @Oxonian1 👋 Welcome to our forum and thanks for your post 😊

Sorry to see you've been having issues with your emails syncing, I can certainly understand the frustration with this 😔

I'd recommend following the recommended instructions here from one of our forum VIP's to assist with this. 

Let us know how you get on with this, we'll be happy to help if you need anything further.



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I have been having the same experience as DN1 since June 19th with my ntlworld account. I have also been in contact with VM's technical support, been given similar assurances but to no effect.

All help gratefully received.



Hi @Oxonian1 thanks for your post here in the Community although we're sorry that this is still ongoing for you.

Can you please advise if you are having trouble accessing emails on an App such as Outlook, or is this affecting your My Virgin Media Webmail too? Additionally, are you still an active customer with us?

Many thanks


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Thanks for the reply. I am a paying customer! The problem is on my Windows 11 PC and with Outlook. I receive ntlworld emails on Mail and my android phone (but rarely use this). The problem started on 19th June. The error code is Ox800CCCOE if that helps.


Hi @Oxonian1 thanks for your reply.

Can you please try the steps advised in the link previously provided and see if this works for you, as a lot of people have got some joy out of this method?

Many thanks


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Yes I have already tried this a couple of times, unsuccessfully.

Hi @Oxonian1 thanks for your reply, sorry to hear this.

If you can try the steps here, this is a more detailed breakdown (see "How to set up my Virgin Media email on a device") of the steps advised in the thread.

This definitely should work for you, and the fact other Apps are working for you do demonstrate this to be the case - if this continues to not work it would seem like the App itself is the issue, and you should seek guidance from Microsoft themselves through any Outlook support they may have.

Please do continue to try this though, it should work for you.

Many thanks


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I've now tried this, I think correctly. Generated a new password on VM and copied this to Outlook. When I try to update account settings I get a message "Something went wrong and Outlook couldn't save your account settings. Please try again". Any ideas for what went wrong?

Hi @Oxonian1, thank you for your response.

Just to be clear, having accessed your e-mails, which account settings are you now looking to update within Outlook?
