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Sub-folders still empty.

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Email from Axel Wehrle yesterday advised full restoration of historic emails. However, many of my sub-folders, containing matters of importance, are still empty. Can someone at VM please make contact so those emails can be located? 


Very Insightful Person
Very Insightful Person

Hi ngw 

Is this using webmail, or using an app such as outlook or MS Mail?

If it's via an app, or on a mobile device they may not have synced yet, or to cover the time period, depending upon your sync settings.

On my mobile I had to go into outlook settings and change the email sync period from the last 2 weeks to 3 months to get all the emails back.

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Thanks. I'm just using my normal MacBook. It's unfathomable that VM can't find any restore them.

Very Insightful Person
Very Insightful Person

sign into  webmail and:

  • select ⚙ > E- Mail > Change IMAP subscriptions…
  • select  until all folder views are expanded
  • select ☐ until all are , i.e. all folder are selected
  • select Save
  • select ✉ (located top left)
  • press Ctrl + Shift + R to reload page
  • confirm any newly subscribed to folder are shown in webmail

If missing folders and content are visible in webmail then try restarting Mail and selecting Mailbox > Rebuild in Mail, or its equivalent in the email client you use, if messages are still not visible.

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