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Stop emails going to spam

Tuning in

How do I stop emails from a trusted address going to spam


Very Insightful Person
Very Insightful Person

Wait for a forum team member to read your post in a few days so the false positive can be corrected.

Do consider migrating your email needs to another email service provider to benefit from:

  • not having to consider loss of email addresses when choosing a broadband service; Virgin Media permanently delete email addresses link to an account 90 days after termination
  • better security
  • better spam filtering
  • better webmail functionality

I'm a Very Insightful Person, I'm here to share knowledge, I don't work for Virgin Media. Learn more
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Forum Team
Forum Team

Hi rogpollard, thanks for the message and sorry to hear that you are having issues with the email. 

Can you ensure that the contact is added to the address book and go in to the spam folder and click not spam to see if anything changes? 

Kind regards, Chris. 

I have the same issue with emails from my hotmail account. [so updating this thread rather than start a new one]

I have tried as you suggested to rogpollard - but it keeps defaulting back and sending every email I forward from my hotmail account to spam.

Ive had to do this as blueyonder appears to be filtering out every email from twitter/X  since July - which includes alerts and verification/status messages. 

Forum Team (Retired)
Forum Team (Retired)

Hi bertie_B

Thanks for your post and welcome back to the community.

Many apologies for the issues faced with spam emails, can I ask have you saved the sender as a contact during this process?

Let us know,
