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Spam emails after email fix

Tuning in

Anyone getting spam emails after the historical email 'fix' of a few weeks back. I never received spam emails before the email problems with Virginmedia but since the fix I'm getting 4-5 spam emails a week.


Very Insightful Person
Very Insightful Person

It is likely just a coincident as in my case accounts affected by the historical email issue remain spam free whereas those not affected received the following spam:

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Dialled in

Getting loads of spam emails, started yesterday and getting worse today, about 25 so far today, all end in the email address.

Looks as if Virgin have yet another issue on their hands, wonder how long before they tell everyone that they arer shutting down all the email accounts, that will go down well won't it!

Dialled in

Same issue here.  For the last week or so I'm suddenly being bombarded with spam and I wasn't previously.  Due to the previous e mail issues I've been busy transferring all of my logins/accounts etc onto iCloud from Virgin Media.  I just got 3 in about 15 minutes so something has changed.  I can see several of them in the first reply - ninjaAir fryer and oral B offer.  I've also had 'your iCloud storage is running out' and various other scams.  It just makes the e mail service unusable even for personal use.  All have been forwarded to