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Re: NTL world email stopped

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I have the same problem. Working fine for years, and then suddenly stopped at the weekend. Doesn't work in Outlook, or the VM email website. I called 150 and the agent went through a couple of things - including changing the password to something completely new. None of them worked, so he raised "a ticket" and said that someone would be back to me in 5 working days...


Forum Team (Retired)
Forum Team (Retired)

Hi @jburton,

Welcome to our Community Forums! Thank you for your first post and I'm sorry to hear that you're having some issues accessing your NTLWorld mailbox! I can understand how frustrating this can be.

Can you tell us if your mailbox is connected to an active Virgin Media broadband account? 

What error are you seeing when you try to access your mailbox through the MyVirginMedia website? 

Please let us know so that we can assist. 

Thank you! 

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The mailbox is connected to an active VM broadband account, and it was working well before I went on holiday for a couple of weeks, and was then blocked when I returned. I had the "authentication failed" message when trying to download email on my home computer (Thunderbird).  I was receiving the "This mailbox is blocked" message (or something similar) when trying to access it via the VM website. I followed the instructions the page said, but got the message that I can't do it online and would have to call 150. I did that, and the person I spoke to changed my password to something different and asked me to try again. It still didn't work - still blocked - so they raised a ticket and someone would get back to me in 5 working days.

This Tuesday, I got a call from the Virgin helpdesk but they rang off as I answered. I called back and spoke to someone else and they took me through a whole set of other steps. This included adding in another (non-VM) email address so I could receive a verification code to validate my identity. I did this, using my work email address. I received the validation code and after some more steps managed to get access to my email on the VM website - but not at home. I was reassured I could change the email address back - I didn't want my work email address associated with the VM account. 

They said to wait a couple of days and then change it back to my VM email address. I have just tried that now - and it won't accept it. My VM address was an address, and the message I get is that I can't use an address - but this is the only VM address I have! "Sorry, you can’t change your sign in details to a email address, please choose a different email."

How do I re-associate my email address with my VM account? I can't use my work email address for this!

UPDATE: I've just been called by the Virgin Media helpline, and they confirm that they're closing all email addresses and that I need to set up a third party email address and let everyone who has been using that email address for the last 15 or so years that it's changed...

Very Insightful Person
Very Insightful Person

@jburton wrote:

UPDATE: I've just been called by the Virgin Media helpline, and they confirm that they're closing all email addresses and that I need to set up a third party email address and let everyone who has been using that email address for the last 15 or so years that it's changed...

Sorry, but that is not correct. You have been misled.

It is true that Virgin Media do now insist that you use a non VM email address to sign into your VM accounts but that does not affect the VM email accounts themselves.

It does mean that you have to use a non VM email address as the username to sign into  ntlworld, blueyonder, or virginmedia email accounts. However, VM continues to support the existing email accounts of VM broadband customers.

I have raised this with the Forum Moderators so I hope that a VM staff member will post here soon to confirm what I have said.

By the way, VM customer service agents do have a long standing reputation for fobbing off VM customers with scare stories like that.

It has been going on for years. Presumably they see it as an easy way to get customers with "difficult" email issues off their outstanding tasks list.


I'm a Very Insightful Person, I'm here to share knowledge, I don't work for Virgin Media.

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Hi @jburton 

I'll pop you a PM over 🙂

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