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Re: Deleting Ntlworld account

Tuning in

Hello - I have an old ntlworld e-mail over 20 years old. I need to delete as I am still receiving emails on my ntlworld account and was told this account would be eventually deleted. Now I've been hacked. Even though it's hacked the password still works but I just need this old account shut down now as soon as possible. Please can someone help with this please?

Look forward to your reply - Ross.


Tuning in

Hello - I have an old ntlworld e-mail over 20 years old. I need to delete as I am still receiving emails on my ntlworld account and was told this account would be eventually deleted. Now I've been hacked. Even though it's hacked the password still works but I just need this old account shut down now as soon as possible. Please can someone help with this please?

Look forward to your reply - Ross.

Forum Team (Retired)
Forum Team (Retired)

Hey @RossLewis777,

Wleomce to the Community Forums and thanks for the post.

Sorry to hear you have been having this issue, I can certainly look into deleting this account for you, in order for me to do so I would need to get you in for a quick private message. If you have not used this feature before you can access it via the envelope at the top of your screen.

Speak to you soon. Joe

Forum Team (Retired)
Forum Team (Retired)

Hey @RossLewis777,

Glad we were able to have that quick chat and resovle your issue,

If you have any future questions or issues please don't hesitate to reach out to us.

Cheers. Joe 

Thank you so much Joe.  Think it's been done now already. Just tested and it looks like it's already been deleted. Can't thank you enough, really appreciate it Joe.
