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Problem with secondary account user e-mail

Tuning in

For two days my partner has not been able to access her e-mail account. The message simply says " Your e-mail password was incorrect " .No matter what we do we cannot get around this. We have tried deleting the account on one device and restarting -same problem .As "primary" user I can see her account on the Virgin media site but cannot access it or change the password .I note from previous messages that there clearly have been similar  problems up to a fortnight ago. Telephone support were unable to help and we need access to the e-mails urgently is there any solution to this? 


Forum Team (Retired)
Forum Team (Retired)

Hi Neil-J, thanks for joining our help forums and for your first post here.
A warm welcome to the VM community, nice to have you on board with us. 🙂


Sorry to hear of the issues with your wife's email login, we'd be eager to best assist with that. 

As a secondary email account, your wife should be able to visit this link here where you sign in, add your email and then try the flow 'forgot password' to see if changing the password helps resolving this.
You may also check our email settings you need when using an email client software to access the mailbox and make sure those are updated on the App your wife uses to access this email.

Please, try changing the password and let us know if this works for you (please, note the password should be updated manually on the App/client software too after you've changed it).
The new password should  be brand new and secure, never used before for this email, to avoid further login issues.

Lastly, can you please check and let us know if accessing the email account from a browser using the current password and the login link above enables you to access this mailbox?
We're here to assist further should you need us to, cheers.

Forum Team

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Same problem here for 48hrs now & method above to add email does not work

Perhaps I wasn't clear my partner has a separate virgin media e-mail account which I  cannot access. The directions you gave seem to just take me to my account.I can see her e-mail address listed as one of the three on virgin media but my only option is to delete her not amend or access her password?

Forum Team (Retired)
Forum Team (Retired)

Hi again, thanks for checking and letting us know more.

Sorry to see this confusion, let me try and explain this.

Using the link here, you'll need to insert the email address in query (wife's email) so you can access that mailbox over a browser - if you've already logged on with your account please log out and then try this advice and link again.

You should be able to view the correct mailbox if successfully logged in with your current password for this email, however if this doesn't work we'd like you to try and change the password on the login page by clicking on ''forgot my password''.

Let us know if this helps and how you get on.

Forum Team

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Sorry this just doesn't work .I closed my machine and restarted to make sure I was logged out .As soon a I go to the link the only option is to go into the site it then opens into my account  automatically with no opportunity to edit or review .We have tried accessing by forwarding your link to a separate new machine from a separate server and using my partners e-mail and trying the password no luck then trying  forgotten password but this refers us to telephoning 150 again to get help changing the password.We will try this but they were at a loss yesterday I see no reason why that will change today?

Forum Team (Retired)
Forum Team (Retired)

Hi again Neil-J, sorry again to see you've not been able to log on to the correct email account.

Please, be advised that switching your device off would not help logging out of your account, to do this please visit the account and find the option to log out on the top right-hand corner with the man icon.

Once you've logged out try again the link above and you should be able to see the sign in page to insert your login details for the secondary email there.
If the password does not come back as valid for any reason, try resetting this from the ''forgot password'' option below.

I can see you've tried this perhaps already, just to be sure can you please confirm you've logged out and followed the above steps but still getting the issues?
Also, when selecting ''forgot password'' does this take to to the process of confirming your security info in order to recover or change the password or something else?
Please, advise and we'll take it from there.

Forum Team

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I can assure you it doesn't work .We managed to get through to someone on 150 who confirmed there was an issue that Virgin is working on .They have reset the password in this case to get it up and running again in about half an hour.(We hope!) However just in case anyone is following this thread you should be aware that we were told that no, I repeat no ,past e-mails will be  available for an unknown period. Thats another issue they are working on. 

We managed to get through to someone on 150 who confirmed there was an issue that Virgin is working on .They have reset the password in this case to get it up and running again in about half an hour.(We hope!) However just in case  you should be aware that we were told that no, I repeat no ,past e-mails will be  available for an unknown period. Thats another issue they are working on!

Forum Team (Retired)
Forum Team (Retired)

Thanks for this update, glad to hear you've called and had some help with resetting your password.

Our latest updates regarding the historic emails issue are as seen below:

Our teams were working through the night to complete planned and essential work to our email service. This was carried out overnight to minimise disruption for our email users, but unfortunately we have since encountered some technical difficulties which means email users may be experiencing intermittent issues with their email service. We apologise for the inconvenience this is causing and our teams are working to resolve it as soon as possible.

We hope this helps.


Forum Team

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