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OLD VM Email account Hacked

Joining in

Posting this hoping for a response from the VM Forum Team.

I left VM email 3 years ago. I expected these accounts to be closed but after many years on they appear to be active still. Im unable to log in to my master account to manage passwords etc.

How do I get these email accounts closed and deleted? This email account has been hacked and passwords to many websites have been changed.  I need to login and change the password ASAP or delete the account once and for all.

With no active VM account, there appeared to be no other way to request help…



A virgin media email account that was supposed to have been shut down 3 years ago has been hacked. This account is linked to Social media accounts that have now also been hacked. 

I need to close this account ASAP. How do I do this as I cannot log in to change email account as it doesn't exist supposedly ????


Forum Team
Forum Team

Hi @emsieg, thanks for posting and welcome to our community.

Sorry to hear your former email address has been compromised and for any inconvenience this may be causing you.  I would like to take a look on your behalf. I am going to send you a private message. Please look out for the purple envelope in the top right of your screen.

