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Not able to send emails from phone or laptop

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Since moving house yesterday I have not been able to send emails form my email address on both my phone and laptop but I am receiving emails. It just suddenly stopped working and I keep getting pop up error messages.

I get an error message saying my username and password is incorrect for the server even though what I am inputting is correct.


Alessandro Volta

The credentials have changed on the SMTP server.

This is an almost daily complaint on this forum and Virgin Media are totally silent on the matter.


@Erika96 wrote:

Since moving house yesterday I have not been able to send emails form my email address on both my phone and laptop but I am receiving emails. It just suddenly stopped working and I keep getting pop up error messages.

I get an error message saying my username and password is incorrect for the server even though what I am inputting is correct.

As an experiment, if you turn off WiFi on your phone, or just go out so you are no longer connected to your home WiFi and are using the cellular connection, can you then successfully send an email?

I am able to send emails on cellular when I am not in the house, but if I turn WiFi off in the house it still doesn’t let me send emails and come up with the same error. 

Very Insightful Person
Very Insightful Person

It is likely your recent move has resulted in a new public IP Address being assigned to your Hub and it appears on a blocklist used by Virgin Media to deny access to their SMTP server. To verify this consider trying the following from your Virgin Media network:

  1. browse to and note the Your IP address is value
  2. go to
  3. enter the Your IP address is value (from step 1) in the Search single IP, domain or hash field and select Lookup
  4. follow the advice offered — FYI: appearing on PBL is  normal so that list can be safely ignored

Should further help be needed post just the Spamhaus list name on which your public IP Address was detected; take care not to post the IP Address here.

If Spamhaus are not responsible for the block then it seems likely it is Virgin Media's own blocklist. To obtain the log evidence required to request a delisting please post back here with the name of email client being used and operating system, for example Thunderbird, macOS.

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Forum Team (Retired)
Forum Team (Retired)

Hi Ekrika96, thank you for reaching out out our help forums and welcome to the VM community.

We're sorry to hear you're having issues with your email account and you cannot send emails while on the home WiFi.
We'd love to assist with this, can you please see if resetting your email password for this account helps restoring this issue?

Try changing your password and make sure it's also updated on any client software for email (outlook etc).
In case you're still experiencing problems with sending emails out let us know here and we'll gladly help you.

Forum Team

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