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Managing secondary email account

Dialled in

I have finally got back in to my primary email account on my phone using Samsung email after the mega outage. I managed to view my emails via web access through myvirgin website.

Just need to test outlook on laptop with new app password.


However my wife has an email account which is a secondary to mine and the new app password does not work on her phone. Both phones are galaxy android. I have yet to check her microsoft surface outlook but assume that will also fail.


She is unable to use my myvirginmedia account to access her email account as it only seems to work on my primary account.

Is there a way of adding her secondary account to my web account as a seperate account so she can access and view her emails?

How or what am i doing wrong using the new app password on her phone to access her account?

Before the recent outage we both had independent accounts accessed by common password and she now has lost not only her email history but also the last 48 hours of email traffic.

Not currently impressed with the lack of communication through the latest outage.


Very Insightful Person
Very Insightful Person

If your wife's email is a genuine secondary account as opposed to a blueyonder alias account then it will have its own password and My Virgin Media account.  You should be able to set an app password for the email address by logging into her My VM account and going to Account Settings> Account details> and selecting the option to manage app passwords.  It will be a mirror of the process that you used for the primary account except that you need to log in with the secondary email address and password.


I'm a Very Insightful Person, I'm here to share knowledge, I don't work for Virgin Media, I'm a VM customer. There are no guarantees that my advice will work. Please read the FAQs
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She has a blueyonder secondary account and I have a third secondary account which is also in same state.

What is the significance of this. I cannot manage these accounts in the website, just delete them which I clearly do not want to do

All help gratefully received


Very Insightful Person
Very Insightful Person

If they are secondary accounts then they each have their own My Virgin Media account as I mentioned previously.

If they are aliases of the primary blueyonder email address then they share the same password and mailbox as the primary account. Blueyonder alias accounts cannot be accessed via VM webmail as there is only the one mailbox.



I'm a Very Insightful Person, I'm here to share knowledge, I don't work for Virgin Media, I'm a VM customer. There are no guarantees that my advice will work. Please read the FAQs
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Hi @Kentrainbuff,

Thank you for your posts and welcome to our community forums. We're here to help.

I'm sorry to hear you've had a bit of trouble regarding accessing a secondary email account recently. Are these ongoing today? Has the advice offered by @Graham_A helped at all?


Zach - Forum Team
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Using info from this forum found her secondary blueyonder mailbox can log in to Virginmedia using her mail address and original password from a year ago. This gave her web access to her mailbox and. I then installed MyVirginMedia App on her phone using her credentials, different to mine. This gave me access to reset her App password for Outlook and Samsung Mail. Using this password on her phone mail app and laptop Outlook gave her access to her mail in both.

Prior to this I had access to my web screen for mail using my different credentials. Using my version of MyVirginMedia I ret my App password and installing this into my phone and laptop recovered my mails too.

So my wife has completely seperate access and control over her mail account using completely different credentials to mine. All I can do is delete her account through my primary account.

I did try seeing if she could log into VirginTVGo to control and access our pair of Tivo360 boxes but it did not seem to work so reverted to my credentials which did.

I guess that makes sense?

Thanks to this forum board I managed to recover our situation.

Hi @Kentrainbuff,

Thank you for the update on this. I'm glad to hear that you've been able to address and resolve your concerns.

Please do let us know if there's anything more that we can help you with.


Zach - Forum Team
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