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Loss of email

On our wavelength

Hi all. I have been without my email for a week now and I m being stalled with "It should be fixed in the next 24 hours"

Has anyone any ideas as to what is going on. I am 91 years old and I rely on my email. I do not use a mobile phone and so many companies these days are impossible to contact by phone anyway - they insist upon using email to communicate and people in my situation are stumped without it. Your comments would be appreciated



On our wavelength

Hi again, forgot to add my wife's email address for any replies.


I also cannot understand why her mail is ok but not mine?


[MOD EDIT: Personal and private information has been removed from this post.]

Forum Team
Forum Team

Hi there @ronjo94 👋 Welcome back to our forum and thanks for your post 😊

Sorry to see that you've been having issues with your email for over a week now, I can certainly understand the urgency of you needing this.

Our team are aware of this issue and are doing all they can to have this resolved as soon as possible. Please let us know if you need anything further, we're always happy to help.



The do's and don'ts. Keep the community welcoming for all. Follow the house rules

On our wavelength

Hi all. Thanks for your responses. I have only just received them as I had no email service.

To update, I managed to link up with the sms team and one of their chaps worked with me to recover

the email service. We were 90% there when he suggested doing a pin hole reset on the modemwhich I was totally against due  to my particular settings. However I did as requested and while waiting for the modem to boot up there was a high pitched whistle on the phone and I lost contact. Having said that he would ring me back if contact was lost I waited and waited---- and nothing, ever. Working myself I manage to get the email sevice back but, CATASTROPHE.

All hub settings were lost. I have spent the last 3 days resetting the hub but now I need your help. I need to reset one of the devices from 5m to 2.4 m. Logic suggests a simple change but how?  There does not appear to be a mechanism to do this therefore, how can I remove the device and then add a new device with the correct setting?

I would be most grateful for your expert knowlege please.

Thanks for the update 😊 Glad to see the email is back working for you.

Sorry to see you're having issues with the devices not connecting to the correct settings. I'd recommend checking the information on the thread here for further help with this.

Let me know how this goes. We can help further if needed



The do's and don'ts. Keep the community welcoming for all. Follow the house rules

Very Insightful Person
Very Insightful Person

@ronjo94 Forr future reference use the backup settings option in the admin section and make a note of where you save the file.  Then if you have to factory reset the router in future you can restore your previous settings again via the admin section in the router.



I'm a Very Insightful Person, I'm here to share knowledge, I don't work for Virgin Media, I'm a VM customer. There are no guarantees that my advice will work. Please read the FAQs
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On our wavelength

Hi Graham, thanks for that great bit of advice. As I am about to try and implement changes that I have been advised to carry out I thought that before doing so would back up my current settings. Alas where is the back up option in Admin,  I do not seem to have it?  have I got the right page?

On our wavelength

Hi, is it possible to add a new mac address directly to establish a new device or is it not that simple?

On our wavelength

Hi. I spent 3 days re-setting my hub 3 to trying to get back to where I was before the well meaning person from the SMS team had me reset the modem and caused me so much trouble. I am left trying to make a final installation without going through a lot work which I may well foul up and leave me worse off. I would like an answer please if possible, on whether or not I could simply add a new mac address to  install a new device.


Hi @ronjo94 thanks for getting back to us.

Sorry for the experience you've reported. Please can you expand on your question? Do you mean you're attempting to add your own router or 3rd party equipment?

