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Issue with emails ntlworld

Settling in

Hi there,

I have an old email, an ntlworld one and i’ve always used that and my icloud one. Today i’ve not been able to access the ntlworld one on my iphone nor on the website.

Your mailbox is not available at the moment.

Or you may not have an active mail account with us.

If you have an existing Virgin Media mailbox please try changing your password in the first instance as this may unlock the account following a security precaution taken by our email team.


If you’re ready to create your new password, simply head over to My Virgin Media:


  • Select Sign In
  • Select Forgotten your email or password? under the password box
  • Follow the instructions to change your password
  • Remember do not use existing or previous passwords. Further help can be found here
  • Check out the Virgin Media Security Hub or our Security Matters community page for further email help & support

ive followed the above steps and still seem to be having an issue. Has anyone else had this issue or is it a known issue today? 

thank you! 


Very Insightful Person
Very Insightful Person

@Jem031 If the password change has not unlocked the email account it may be an indication that the account has become orphaned. I note that you refer to it as an old email account.  Do you still have a VM broadband account to which the email address is attached?

If not then the most likely explanation is that the email account has been deleted.


I'm a Very Insightful Person, I'm here to share knowledge, I don't work for Virgin Media, I'm a VM customer. There are no guarantees that my advice will work. Please read the FAQs
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Hi there,

yes so basically my email is attached to my grandparents  account. They still have broadband with virgin. I’m always using this email and i was only using it this morning! 

thanm you

Thank you for your response by the way

Very Insightful Person
Very Insightful Person

If you are sure it is still attached to your grandparents account then try setting an app password for the email address.

If you have recently changed the password for the My Virgin Media account associated with this email address you now have to generate an app specific password to use in order to access the email address via a third party email client.

App passwords are generated by logging into your My Virgin Media account> Account Settings> Account Details> Mailbox app password management.

I would add that you are taking a huge gamble in using an email address that is attached to someone elses account even if they are a relative.  You should really take steps to create your own email address via an email provider not linked to any particular internet service provider.  This is especially important now that VM no longer supply new email addresses to new or existing customers.


I'm a Very Insightful Person, I'm here to share knowledge, I don't work for Virgin Media, I'm a VM customer. There are no guarantees that my advice will work. Please read the FAQs
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Hi @Jem031 👋.

Thanks for reaching out, are you still having an ongoing issue with the emails, or have you managed to resolve this?
Please let us know.


Joining in

I requested a password reset for my daughters mailbox attached to my main account The Agent deavtivated it and now we cannot retrieve it..5 agents have fobbed me off thru Indian Call center...they haven't a clue what they're doing,just reading from a script

Hi Fozzie1966, 

Thanks for taking the time to post about your issues in the Community.

We're sorry to hear your daughter is having trouble accessing her mailbox. I can see you're already in a private conversation with my colleague who has addressed this for you. 

If you have any further issues, please pop back and let us know. 

Many thanks,

Forum Team

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