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History emails still not restored

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I received an email last Saturday letting me know that they completed the full restoration of my inbox but I don’t see my previous emails. Please any is greatly appreciated, I just want my previous emails back


Joining in

Hi, I received an email from Virgin Media that their team have now completed the full restoration of my inbox but I don’t see my previous emails. Please any help is greatly appreciated. 

Joining in

History emails on my inbox still missing. This is the email I received last Saturday:
We wanted to let you know that our teams have now completed the full restoration of your inbox, which means all of your historic emails should now be available.

We sincerely apologise for the disruption you have experienced, and we will be carrying out a full review of this incident to ensure we learn from it in future.

You do not need to take any action but if you need further assistance then our customer service teams are on hand to support.

All the emails on my inbox still not restored 
Kind regards,
Axel Wehrle
Director of Customer Service, Virgin Media

Forum Team (Retired)
Forum Team (Retired)

Hi CDR1, thanks for joining on our forum page and for your first post here.

We're sorry to hear you're still having issues with your email restoration after we've confirmed it's resolved, in order to help with this I'll send you a private message here shortly.

Please, check the top right-hand side of our page to find a white envelope.
Click on this and you'll see my message.

Forum Team

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