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Hacked email

Joining in

Hi, I have an old blueyonder email address but am no longer a customer. 

My email address has been hacked.

I no longer a customer of Virgin Media.

Can someone please advise how I can delete the blueyonder email address.

Thanks in advance.


Forum Team
Forum Team

Hi @khay1 

Welcome to the community forums

Sorry to hear of the concerns with your blueyonder email. 

I can see that you mention that you're not a customer with us. Can you confirm if you've you disconnected your Virgin Media broadband services more than 90 days ago? 

Here to help 🙂
Virgin Media Forums Agent

Yes it has been 

Great thank you for confirming that @khay1 

Please join me on private message so I can locate your account and get this requested for you. You can see your private messages at the top of the page, in the envelope icon or if you're using a smaller device, you can see your private messages by clicking on the Virgin Media logo at the top right and select 'Messages' from the drop down.

Here to help 🙂
Virgin Media Forums Agent

Joining in

I have joined on a private message but you're not replying to me?

Hi @khay1 

I have received your private messages thank you. 

Please bear in mind the response on the community forums are not instant and can take a few days to receive a response depending on the details and the agents work schedules. Thank you. 

Here to help 🙂
Virgin Media Forums Agent

I did receive a private message as they asked for my email address which I gave but I haven’t received a reply since.

Thank you for joining me on private message @khay1 

This has now all been requested for you. 

As mentioned, the responses on the community forums are not instant but we will aim to respond as soon as possible. It can take few days to respond but please be patient, I can assure you that we will reply when available to do so or when an update can be passed on. 


 If you believe the issue to be resolved you can mark the thread as resolved by clicking the helpful answer given and this will show anyone else having issue that an answer was given and direct them to the post, alternatively you can just like or 'kudos' the post if it helped you. 

Please let us know if you are having any further issues or have any questions at all. We'll be here to help on the community forums if needed :). 

Here to help 🙂
Virgin Media Forums Agent

Hi I have the same problem pls help 

Forum Team (Retired)
Forum Team (Retired)

Hi Antm1, 

Thanks for posting to us here on the community. 

I see you have a separate thread of your own regarding this issue so I am going to pop you over a reply from there

Speak soon, 

