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Hacked Email

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Hi trying to reset my password - it is urgent as I have been hacked.
I am a sub account, I enter my id, the main id as requested then it asks me two random questions about my DOB and my favourite city the later I cannot answer because 1 I do not have one, and 2 I have never given that information to Virgin Media! I just loop. No chat help, no one responds via phone. How can I get to someone to help me?


Accepted Solutions

Hi there @Sharon26 👋 Welcome to our forum and thanks for your post 😊

Sorry to see that you have a hacked email that the team have not been able to help get deleted. This is certainly not the level of service we'd like to see 😔

I'll be happy to take a look at this for you to see what can be done to help, I'll send you a PM to confirm your details so this can be done.



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Very Insightful Person
Very Insightful Person

@Sharon26 wrote:

Hi trying to reset my password - it is urgent as I have been hacked.
I am a sub account, I enter my id, the main id as requested then it asks me two random questions about my DOB and my favourite city the later I cannot answer because 1 I do not have one, and 2 I have never given that information to Virgin Media! I just loop. No chat help, no one responds via phone. How can I get to someone to help me?

If the sub account is connected to a current Virgin Media broadband account then the account holder should be able to delete the secondary account from their My Virgin Media account.  If you don't want it deleted then the account holder needs to ring virgin media to arrange for the password to be changed. Once this has been done you need to log into your My Virgin Media account with the email address and new password.  Go to Account Settings > Account Details and change the password again and then set up password recovery question/answer where you see the options.

If it isn't connected to a current Virgin Media broadband account then the VM Forum Team should be able to ensure it is deleted but will need to contact the former account holder to do this.


I'm a Very Insightful Person, I'm here to share knowledge, I don't work for Virgin Media, I'm a VM customer. There are no guarantees that my advice will work. Please read the FAQs
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Thanks Graham

The accounts do not appear on the broadband holders accounts to manage. But they are linked to that account.

I cannot get through to anyone at Virgin Media - will try the chat again at 8.

Just by way of an update - I spent almost two hours on VM chat. A really terrible experience. 

The person could not find my accounts then told me to contact an email address which turned out to be a travel agency.

I have written a letter of complaint to virgin media - you could not make this up.
Apparently my accounts which are both @blueyonder are lost.
No one can even disable or delete my accounts.

10 years ago VM were excellent - now its the poorest customer experience I have ever had.

Hi there @Sharon26 👋 Welcome to our forum and thanks for your post 😊

Sorry to see that you have a hacked email that the team have not been able to help get deleted. This is certainly not the level of service we'd like to see 😔

I'll be happy to take a look at this for you to see what can be done to help, I'll send you a PM to confirm your details so this can be done.



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