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Eratic email

On our wavelength

I have two email accounts and email icon on the task bar

says 17 but when I open them I get " nothing has arrived".They take an age to arrive in the in box

and also to open them.It will then revert to my desktop for no reason,then I have to start again.

Can anyone help?


Accepted Solutions

Very Insightful Person
Very Insightful Person

@Terrysutt wrote:

I have two email accounts and

the task bar says 17 but when I open them I get " nothing has arrived"

You don't say how you are accessing these two email accounts but, based on that error message, I am thinking that you are using the Microsoft Mail app to manage your emails.

If I was experiencing this problem, my first step would be to try logging into both those accounts directly (so not via the Mail app) so you can:

  1. check that you can still access both email accounts directly
  2. ensure that the new emails are actually present in the VM and Hotmail inboxes.

Do that by:

If these two email accounts themselves are working fine it suggests that the problem lies with the Microsoft Mail app you are using.

In that case, one thing to try is to delete both email accounts from the Microsoft Mail app and then come out of the app. (Personally I would also restart the computer.) Then reinstall the two email accounts in the Microsoft Mail app and see if that resolves the problem. It often does.

That's my personal advice but see how that goes.


I'm a Very Insightful Person, I'm here to share knowledge, I don't work for Virgin Media.

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Very Insightful Person
Very Insightful Person

@Terrysutt wrote:

I have two email accounts and

the task bar says 17 but when I open them I get " nothing has arrived"

You don't say how you are accessing these two email accounts but, based on that error message, I am thinking that you are using the Microsoft Mail app to manage your emails.

If I was experiencing this problem, my first step would be to try logging into both those accounts directly (so not via the Mail app) so you can:

  1. check that you can still access both email accounts directly
  2. ensure that the new emails are actually present in the VM and Hotmail inboxes.

Do that by:

If these two email accounts themselves are working fine it suggests that the problem lies with the Microsoft Mail app you are using.

In that case, one thing to try is to delete both email accounts from the Microsoft Mail app and then come out of the app. (Personally I would also restart the computer.) Then reinstall the two email accounts in the Microsoft Mail app and see if that resolves the problem. It often does.

That's my personal advice but see how that goes.


I'm a Very Insightful Person, I'm here to share knowledge, I don't work for Virgin Media.

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Forum Team (Retired)
Forum Team (Retired)

Hi Terrysutt, thanks for reaching out on our help forums and sorry to hear of the issues with your mailboxes.

As our very insightful forum member coenoby has already beaten us to this offering helpful advice, can you please kindly update this thread to let us know if you've followed the steps above to resolve this?

If so, has this helped clearing out the issues with your mailbox on both accounts?

Let us know where you are with this and if you need more help, we'll be happy to assist further where needed.

Forum Team

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On our wavelength

Thank you for your reply coenoby,I have signed in to both email addreses using the links you gave and

they both worked perfectly.However I don`t know how to delete and reinstall them from the Microsoft Mail app,

I`m hoping it`s not too complicated.

Hi Terrysutt,

Pleased to hear that the advice kindly provided by coenoby has worked for you.

Following the guidance on the Microsoft website, to remove the email account you need to:

  1. Open Settings.
  2. Under Accounts, select the email account you would like to remove.
  3. Tap Delete Account.
  4. Select Delete from this device or Delete from all devices. 

Once removed, to re-add the account, you need to:


  1. Select Tools > Accounts.
  2. Click the plus (+) sign > New Account.
  3. Enter the email address of the account.
  4. Follow the prompts to complete the account setup.


These steps may vary depending on the app version you have, so if you are still stuck we'd recommend consulting Microsoft for further assistance.

Let me know if this helps.
