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Emails have disappeared

Tuning in

I saw a few new emails on my phone - when i checked again all emails from 26 May on had disappeared from my focused inbox. I've checked on the Virgin media app and the problem is the same there. Please can you advise me as some are important work/medical


Very Insightful Person
Very Insightful Person

@Ayshi wrote:

I've checked on the Virgin media app and the problem is the same there. Please can you advise me as some are important work/medical

By Virgin Media "app" I assume you mean your VM Webmail account on the VM website.

I am sure you have done this already, but have you checked in the Trash folder in your VM Webmail account?  VM say that they delete items from the Trash folder after 7 days so you need to check straight away if you have not done so already,

Sadly, if the emails are on longer in the Webmail account there is no way to recover them because VM do not keep backups of emails.

The email app on your phone will be using the IMAP protocol to keep your email account synchronised across both the email app and the email account on the VM server (as viewed on the VM Webmail service). That means that any emails deleted in the email app will automatically be deleted from the VM server and vice versa.

It is not unusual for people to post on here reporting that a number of their VM emails have gone missing, However, it is never really possible to determine why that happened.

Sorry I cannot be more helpful.



I'm a Very Insightful Person, I'm here to share knowledge, I don't work for Virgin Media.

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