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Email problems

Tuning in

Need help please. My email account suddenly got locked (due to "suspicious activity", though nobody can actually advise what the suspicious activity was) late on 27th July. A call to the support line resulted in being advised to unlock the account, which was done, enabling me to see my emails on the website, but my PC Outlook account remained unable to receive emails, telling me the login was rejected. I see others have reported similar problems. Can someone get back to me with how to resolve this.



Tuning in

Okay, so after some digging, I've found a solution. This appears to stem from a change Virgin made to how email clients are accessed. I had to go to Account Settings > Account details > Mailbox App password management and generate a 4-word password. Using this 4-word password on my Outlook client has led to my Outlook now connecting and picking up emails.

I have to say that the support from Virgin is very weak: I'd called the helpdesk and the person on the call really didn't understand the problem and clearly had some sort of script they were working from. I was mysteriously cut off after being put on hold. 

Hi MBL, thanks for the message and welcome back to the forums. 

I am sorry to hear about the email issues which you have been having and I am happy to hear that you have managed to get this resolved. 

We have taken your feedback on board and have fed this back. 

Please let us know if you need any assistance?

Kind regards, Chris.