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Email issue

Tuning in

I lost my historical issues as part of the nationwide issue a couple of weeks back. It was resolved but today on my phone they have gone again - is this a new issue? 


Forum Team
Forum Team

Hi @JayOD1 thanks for your post although we're sorry to hear of the concerns you've raised here.

Can you please advise if the emails are still missing when you log in via your My Virgin Media account and access your emails there please?
When using your phone, are you using an App to access your emails where they're missing?

Many thanks


Hi Tom

Thanks for the reply.

So I have logged into My VirginMedia on my laptop and I can see the emails have been deleted and are in my bin  - the same thing has happened to emails from yesterday - this morning they are in my bin although I haven’t changed my settings to delete them after 24 hours as far as I’m aware?

I did get a generic email on Friday morning to say I’d been hacked trying to blackmail me for $400 in bitcoin. I showed it our cyber security guy in our IT Dept and he said not to worry too much, it was a known scam and likely they wouldn’t follow through with anything but I should change my passwords where possible. I’ve done this but there has been suspicious activity all weekend still. I’ve been getting login attempt notifications for platforms such as Spotify, Etsy and Snapchat that I haven’t used in years. This morning I received a text from Shopify with a code for a payment someone was obviously trying to make on my account - all very worrying! 

Thank you for that information JayOD1.

We are sorry to hear about the notifications you have been getting. 

You should be able to retrieve any of the deleted emails that are still in the deleted inbox if needed. 


Thanks Martin.

Is there anyway I can change the settings so emails aren’t deleted after 24 hours (which used to be the case) ? I’ve been looking but I can’t see the option anywhere? 

To confirm, are signing directly into Webmail. It is just that (to my knowledge) there isn't an option to set any timer for deletion of emails. 

Have you been able to do this in the past?


I view my emails mostly through my iPhone but I also do log in to them sometimes whilst using my laptop through Virgin Media. Whilst logged in on my laptop today I have been looking in webmail settings to see if I can change anything but had no joy.

Previously my emails remained in my inbox until I deleted them but over the last couple of days they are now deleting themselves - they aren’t even staying in my inbox for 24 hours now it seems? 

Have you any suggestions please? 

Are they deleted on both the iPhone and Webmail?


Yes they are.

I wouldn't really know what to recommend. Maybe go through the app on the iPhone to see if there are any settings there for the deletion. 
