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Email in a browser

Just joined

For two weeks now I have not been able to reply, forward, delete or compose emails using any browser (I have tried Chrome, Firefox & Edge). I can receive emails and, and in fact now have over 400 emails in my inbox that I cannot action. The problem is apparent on my laptop & phone. I have had 3 WhatsApp chats with Virgin, all resulted in them being unable to help and asking that I phone the helpline. Well we all know how difficult that is to actually get someone to talk to, but I eventually managed it last Friday when I was assured that it would be fixed within 24 hours. That was obviously just a fob off, because this morning still the same problem. So miracle of all miracles I managed to get through on the helpline again, only to be told once again that it will be fixed but by 9am tomorrow.

What makes all this even more frustrating is that I submitted a complaint over a week ago, that I eventually had a response to today via email to say that my issue was resolved and if I believed that to be incorrect I should respond using email! If only I could! Has anyone else experienced this behavior with using email in a browser?


Accepted Solutions

Tuning in

Yep I still have lost mine and my wife's blueyonder  emails. Fortunately I am still getting them on my phone, through an email app, just not through web mail.

See where this Helpful Answer was posted


Tuning in

Yep I still have lost mine and my wife's blueyonder  emails. Fortunately I am still getting them on my phone, through an email app, just not through web mail.

Glad to know I'm not alone 🙂

Forum Team
Forum Team

Hi BW61,

Thanks for posting and welcome to our community 🙂

Sorry to hear you're having some issues with your emails, we are aware of the problem and are working on resolving this as soon as possible.


Very Insightful Person
Very Insightful Person

As a temporary workaround consider using an email client, i.e. Thunderbird or similar client

I'm a Very Insightful Person, I'm here to share knowledge, I don't work for Virgin Media. Learn more
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