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Email error message FSB50

Joining in

I cannot log into my emails because of the above error code. I have made numerous phone calls to Virgin, been passed around different departments, told its a fault with my lap top.  Now discovered so many other people have the same problem and been treated just as badly by Virgin.  I was told to reset my password but cannot get anyone to understand I cannot get into my email box because of the above error message locking me out.

I need this resolved.


Forum Team (Retired)
Forum Team (Retired)

Thanks for taking the time to make a post on our help forums and welcome to the VM community, nice to have you on board! 🙂

We're sorry to hear of this issue with accessing your mailbox and the error you're getting, we'd love to see how we can best assist with this.

The error code FSB50 is a login error related one, could you please tell us if you're able to login to your emails following this link here and typing in your email/username and password for this email account?

Also, could you tell us how you normally access your emails - is it via webmail (browser) or are you using a client App/software like Outlook etc?

Lastly, could you confirm if you have access to your MyVM account online here?
If so, can you go to account settings>account details>email accounts (bottom of page) and tell us if you can find your email account there?

Please, share a bit more on this and we're eager to support you.

Forum Team

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Tuning in

 I am having the same problem and have done for a couple of weeks.

I have tried accessing my emails using the various links provided in the many many instances that this fault has been raised by other users. The only way I am able to log in is to restart my computer and as soon as it comes on line try to access them at that point, and even that does not always work.

I have been on to the Help Desk a number of times and all they want to do is transfer me to a Team who will look into the issue at a cost.

It appears that there is a major issue with the Virgin Service with regards error code FSB50, in view of the number of people encountering it.


Hi there @coldonmac 

Thank you so much for your post and welcome back to the forums. 

I am so sorry to hear that you are also experiencing, I can see that you have made your own post and our community are currently advising there, please do pop back to here so we can continue to look into this with you via your own specific thread.