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Email Access issues

Joining in

Hello, is there anyone on here who works for VM, who is tech minded and is willing to help with my email access problems. I have been without emails now for over a week, have spent 9 hours trying to solve this.
I have called, tried web chat, written to the CEO and submitted complaints. I have been promised call backs from various people on different occasions and each time have been let down. I currently have no alternative but to leave as I have nowhere else to turn. This is my last throw of the dice. Please Help, I just want to talk to a human.
Is anyone willing to help?


Very Insightful Person
Very Insightful Person

@Chris789  The VM Forum Team staff should be able to assist you with this when they reach this thread in a day or so.

It would help if you could explain exactly what errors you are seeing when trying to access your email account.

Are you trying to access via VM webmail: or using a third party email client such as Thunderbird or Outlook?


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Forum Team
Forum Team

Hey Chris789,

Welcome to the community and thanks for taking the time to post here on the forums.
I’m sorry to hear of the issues that you’re having with your email account at the moment. Would you be able to provide more information as Graham_A advised, that will help us to determine the issues.

Are you able to share screenshots with any error messages that you're getting, when trying to login to your account?

Kind Regards,


Joining in

Hi, thank you for your replies.
It was out of desperation that I was led here as nobody seemed to, or was willing, to help.

Over a week without email, this has finally been resolved having spent 11 hours trying to find someone to help.
Really not happy with VM customer services and I'm not alone.
I have complained through the proper channels and even written to the CEO.

As I say, thank you anyway.

Glad to hear this has been resolved @Chris789 and our sincere apologies for any stress caused.

If I can help with anything else, let me know. 

Forum Team

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