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Dreaded 403 Forbidden webmail error

Tuning in

I am now getting the dreaded 403 Forbidden webmail error.

This happens on 2 different PCs with 2 different email addresses, using 3 different browsers (FF, Edge, Chrome).

I can still send and receive email using Thunderbird email client and also on iphone, but cannot access webmail.

I have tried using a private browser tab but this makes no difference.

There is obviously a fundamental problem with the back end email service that needs to be resolved.

Could someone in Virgin Media please raise a support ticket for this to be resolved?



Accepted Solutions

Forum Team
Forum Team

Hi @qwertyuiop2 

Welcome to the community forums. 

Sorry to hear that you're getting a 403 Forbidden error when trying to access your email through webmail. 

I would recommend doing a virus scan across all your devices you have used to access that email. Once completed, can you please try changing your password as kindly advised by @coenoby to one never used before for this email and then wait at least 20 minutes before trying to see if it has worked. Let us know if that has helped at all in gaining access? 



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Virgin Media Forums Agent

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Very Insightful Person
Very Insightful Person

@qwertyuiop2 wrote:

There is obviously a fundamental problem with the back end email service that needs to be resolved.

That's certainly possible but while you are waiting for a response from VM there is one thing that the VM staff here have advised to people who are getting that error, and which seems to have worked.

That is to reset your VM email password.

You can do that  by signing in to the *My Virgin Media" account for that email address from this link  using your VM email address and the existing password. (It does not matter whether the email account is your primary VM email account or a secondary account - these days the password reset process is the same for both.)

Once you have signed in click on the "Account settings" tab and then the "Account details" tab. Scroll down that page and you will see a place to edit the password.

Change the password to something completely new and wait 20-30 minutes before trying to access the email account again. That's to make sure the change gets picked up by all the VM email servers.

If you have already tried that or find that does not work then post back here. If you are still a VM broadband customer the VM Forum Team (VM staff who support this forum) can indeed take this up for you.


By the way, just to show I'm not making this stuff up, here's a post from someone who found a password reset cured their '403 Forbidden' error. 

I'm a Very Insightful Person, I'm here to share knowledge, I don't work for Virgin Media.

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Forum Team
Forum Team

Hi @qwertyuiop2 

Welcome to the community forums. 

Sorry to hear that you're getting a 403 Forbidden error when trying to access your email through webmail. 

I would recommend doing a virus scan across all your devices you have used to access that email. Once completed, can you please try changing your password as kindly advised by @coenoby to one never used before for this email and then wait at least 20 minutes before trying to see if it has worked. Let us know if that has helped at all in gaining access? 



Here to help 🙂
Virgin Media Forums Agent

Thank you both for your replies. I have run a virus check with no issues.

Because it is only webmail that is having the problem and I can send and receive emails via desktop client (Thunderbird) and iphone, I am reluctant to change password in case these also stop working, which would be a major problem. 

Very Insightful Person
Very Insightful Person

In the unlikely event your concerns are realised and support is required it might be best to attempt the password change after the long weekend on Tuesday.

I'm a Very Insightful Person, I'm here to share knowledge, I don't work for Virgin Media. Learn more
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Hi @qwertyuiop2 

I'd like to take a closer look into this so will pop you a PM now. 

Hope to hear from you soon 😊

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Thanks again to those who replied. After waiting until the end of the BH weekend I took the plunge and changed password - it worked.

I'm able to access webmail as well as use iphone & Thunderbird, so all is well.

It would be good to understand why the server-side authentication got out of whack, though - I hadn't changed password prior to the problem with webmail occurring.

Forum Team
Forum Team

Hi @qwertyuiop2 

I do apologise for my delayed response due to the bank holiday, I have been offline and only just picked up my PM.

I am glad the password reset sorted things out for you.

If you need anything else, let me know.

All the best!

Forum Team

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Tuning in

I, too have the Forbidden page. 
I have tried to change the password, but it didn’t work, now it looks like the site the site has cancelled my email address. It doesn’t seem to think it is valid.

I can’t try to change it again as I can’t receive the verification email.

I have had to set up an account on here with a different email address as I couldn’t remember my password and can’t receive an email on the address that is blocked, to change it..
I tried chatting to a bot. It didn’t understand! I will call VM tomorrow when I have the time but I really need my account to be enabled.

Getting desperate!

Hi @Cholkat 👋.

Thanks for reaching out to us. We would need to bring you in for a private message to assist you with sorting this out for you. Please look out for my message in your envelope (top right of the screen, or mobile devices will be under your profile icon). 

There will be a few questions to answer.
