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Deleted email

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Hi everyone,

I have a unique situation or did for that matter and I'm still hoping someone might help

Back in August 2020 my mum deleted my email address on purpose, I'm not here to share a sob story but the truth is that she is abusive and her deleting my email was one way she went about it. I did initially try contacting Virgin Media asking if anything could be done. There was nothing that could be done because my email address was a secondary one on her account apparently. They couldn't do anything without her permission.

I know the chances now are slim to none because some time has passed but I'm still going to ask anyway. I have an ongoing court case at the moment and it would really help ease my stress if I had some original emails from that email address to help with my case. I still have access to the inbox incase i ever needed any of the emails but it only goes back a few months and I can't search for anything and have a persistent notification saying this account can't be accessed (no surprise there).

Virginmedia should really have some policies or procedures in place for these kinds of situations

Is there anyway at all that i could get access to this email address again? Any help is greatly appreciated


Very Insightful Person
Very Insightful Person


Sadly, I have to say that it would be surprising if there is anything Virgin Media can do if the missing emails were deleted 3 years ago.

However, I have escalated your post to the Forum Team (VM staff members) who should be able to get a definitive answer for you.

I hope you are able to get a successful outcome to your court case.


I'm a Very Insightful Person, I'm here to share knowledge, I don't work for Virgin Media.

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Hi @lilmeme 

Welcome to our community forums and thank you for your first post.

Sorry to hear you experienced this with your email. We want to do our best to help with this. As mentioned by @coenoby because of the duration of time, we may be limited as to what we can do. Also, as your mum was the account holder in the situation, there may have been complications. To best look into this, I am sending you a private message. Please keep an eye out for an envelope at the top right corner of your Forum page. Let me know if you have any issues locating this. 


Forum Team

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