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Completely locked out! Grrrr Virgin Media

Tuning in

Dear VM teaM - not only have you locked me out of my normal account - NOW you've locked me out of my vm email - because you've locked me out of my normal account!!!

Now I CANT GET INTO ANY EMAILS - not even online!!!

Please stop pacifying saying you are sorting the problem out... YOU'RE NOT...

As of today - FOUR days with no access....

And while you're at it - consider compensation too...

I have a court case involving the Police, the CPS, the Parliamentary Omudsman, my MP, the Police Crime and Commissioner and others... I'm the advocate for my heart failure husband too - so I NEED TO SEE what contact there has been with the different official bodies, and what I need to respond to... BUT I CAN'T SEE ANYTHING - SO I CAN'T RESPOND TO ANYTHING - BECAUSE MY EMAIL IS NOT RECOGNISED - AND I AM LOCKED OUT.... 


Dialled in

Is your phone working Ziggy?

Just saying...........

Forum Team
Forum Team

Hi Ziggy1957


Thank you for your post and welcome to our community.


I am very sorry to hear about the issues you are having with the email accounts.


If you haven't done so already, please change the passwords and let us know if you then have access.


Please pop back to us when you can. 

Vikki - Forum Team

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Settling in

Hi, I was also locked out of my mobile email access, so in desperation, I removed my email account (Outlook) on my phone today and then recreated the account using the same password and it worked, access is restored to see and send new messages, also my missing folders reappeared but they are still empty.... May be worth giving it a go on one of your access devices. Good luck

They could phone, but it took a lot of arguing from me to get them to change my password - they said it was impossible.  If the OP is locked out of their account fully then they do need to phone.  VM are still hush on what's happened - I rekon I know and have made my views on this clear, but they are going to skirt the issue and make it nothing but a "customer" problem.  As for Ziggy, they need to phone and have the staff reset the email account password.

I do not work for VM, but I would. It is just a Job.
Most things I say I make up and sometimes it's useful, don't be mean if it's wrong.
I would also make websites for them, because the job never seems to require the website to work.

Sorry for late reply. Still having probems even with the forum online. No, my email is on my laptop. My phone is too old to handle emails and such. I cant even load up WhatsApp... 

Thank you. This has been done. My password has been changed. I'm still having problems and can't access my email via my laptop since 18th June.

Thank you. I'm afraid to remove my email account as its such an old one - blueyonder - I  can't remember the details to try to reload it.

Thank you. I did phone. They changed my password. I have some limited access but its very hit and miss. I still cant access my emails via my laptop... They sent an email saying they have referred themselves to the Information Commissioner and my old emails are backed up on another server. Still unable to access since 18th June.