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Changed my password and still locked out of my email account

Tuning in

Hi I was emailed by V Media internet security. Their ref VMIS159-SUSPICIOUS_ACTIVITY-F010692938. I was asked to change my password which I did. This was acknowledged by V Media web team KMM90378796V43342L0KM 16th May at 14:22.

Using the new password I can log in to my Virgin Media Account number removed but when I click on email I get "forbidden" Can you resolve this for me please?

C T Ryan

 [MOD EDIT: Personal and private information has been removed from this post. Please do not post personal or private information in your public posts. Please review the Forum Guidelines]



Forum Team
Forum Team

Good Afternoon @Tezza1, thanks for your post on our Community Forums, and welcome back to us!

Sorry to hear of the issues experienced on the E-Mail account.

Check out the envelope in the top right hand corner, and I'll take a closer look into this for you.

Kindest regards,


Forum Team
Forum Team

Thanks for coming back to me via our private messaging function @Tezza1, and I'm pleased that this has now been resolved.

Do feel free to come back to our Community Forums, if anything further is required.

Kindest regards,
