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Cant Access Virgin Media via desktop

Tuning in

I am unable to access any virgin media services via desktop.  I have tried Chrome and edge, and both platforms receive the bad request message.  i have had this problem for months via chrome, but today it has happened using Edge.  This is stopping me from accessing my emails, although i can still view them via my mobile phone.


Forum Team
Forum Team

Hi Tansie69, 

Thanks for taking the time to post about your issues in the Community.

We're sorry to hear you've been having an issue with accessing the Virgin Media website. 

Can you please delete the cache, cookies and browsing history on your device and try logging in to My VM here. Once signed in, you should have an options to access your mail through Virgin Media Mail. 

Keep us posted on how that goes. If you get the same error, please try another device to see if this works. 

Many thanks, 

Forum Team

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Tuning in

Thank You  for the advice.  ive tried this and its done the trick!!!