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Cannot sign into VM main account or VM emails

Tuning in

For over 3 weeks now I have been unable to sign into my virgin media account or virgin media emails via my pc or via my phone. After I input my email & password it just hangs there with the virgin media logo showing, seemingly buffering. Have contacted VW virtual assistant & VW whatsapp but both are useless.

Prior to this I could not send/receive emails at all for over a week. Whats going on VW? I am still paying for this broken service !!!


Forum Team
Forum Team

Hi there @davtree 

Thank you so much for your post and welcome back to the community forums, it's great to have you here. 

We are so sorry that you have faced issues logging into your My Virgin Media account and emails, can I just confirm, are you able to access My Virgin Media via the app at all? 

Do you get an error message when you try to log in?

Tuning in

Hi Ashleigh_C,

Just downloaded the app to my mobile & I can access my main VM account through this which helps (although I cannot view current bill). However most of my online stuff is done via my desktop pc so how do I sign into my account online?

Also there is no option to access emails therefore I still cannot sign into my email account online.

Thank you @davtree 

We are aware of an issue effecting log in to the web site and our teams are currently working to resolve this. We will update the forums as soon as we have a fix. 

If you are not able to view a bill yet then one may not have been issued. Is there anything showing one should be present? 

Tuning in


When I click the "view bill" option it states " something not quite right. We've found a problem. Please try again."

However I can view bills by clicking the "upcoming charges" option so this give me a workaround.

My main issue now is the inability to access email & account websites. Hopefully they get the these sorted soon because it is now over 3 weeks they have been down. Not impressed with VM at the moment.

Thank you for clarifying @davtree 

The teams are currently working to resolve these issues for you and everyone effected and as soon as we have an update we will provide one via the forums, thank you again.