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Blueyonder email

Tuning in


I have a Blueyonder email which I have had for many years and still use. Recently I received an email from someone saying they have my email address and password which the email showed and was correct. This person is threatening and asking for money. Although I have this email account I do not now have any accounts with Virgin. I have tried to access the email account with the password I have but am unable to gain access. Can any one please help or advise. Thanks 


Hi RobertEng, thanks for posting and welcome back to our community.

Sorry to hear you're having issues with a Virgin Media email address and for any inconvenience this may be causing you. I would like to take a closer look on your behalf. I am going to send you a private message.  Please look out for the purple envelope in the top right of your screen.



Hi Lee

I was wondering if you have been able to sort my problem out with my blueyonder email account. Thank you Anthony

Hi @oldblue,

I can see that in an earlier post you've mentioned speaking with my colleague via private message. If you haven't done so already, please check your inbox for messages from them and you can respond to them there for further assistance on this matter.


Zach - Forum Team
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Hi @oldblue 
I will continue to liaise with you privately.



Thank you

I’m having the same problem my blueyonder email has been hacked I’m no longer a customer so can’t change password I would like my email to be deleted asap

thanks claire

Hi Clare

Sorry to hear you have also had your Blueyonder email account hacked. If like me I found this to be a very worrying time. I have tried to change my accounts with the Blueyonder email but worry I have missed some. The VM Community Team have been very helpful and am hopeful that they are now in a position to close this email account. I hope you are able to sort yours out.


Hi Lee

Thought I would let you know that I have tried to send an email to my Blueyonder email address from my new email provider. Great news in that I get a message back to say the Blueyonder account cannot be found or is unable to receive emails. So it looks like you have sorted my problem.

Thank you so much


Hi @Cjg02,

Thank you for your post and welcome back to our community forums. We're here to help.

I'm very sorry to hear that you're having some issues with an email account that you feel is potentially compromised. I'm going to send you a private message in a few moments. Please respond to this when you can and we'll proceed from there.


Zach - Forum Team
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Hi @oldblue,

Thank you for the update on this. I'm very glad to hear that this has now been sorted and resolved for you.

Please do let us know if there's anything else that we can assist you with at all.


Zach - Forum Team
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