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Blueyonder email stopped working

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I've been unable to access my Blueyonder email on my phone and Mac book since Sunday night, when I look on my virgin media account it states its Your Mailbox is Not Available at the moment. I've phoned Virigin Media and they advise that it's a known problem and would be fixed the latest time I got was 2pm today but still nothing.  Is it really a known issue are am I being fobbed off.  I urgently need access to a new email that is linked to the account and I can't get it redirected at this stage.  Any help appreciated


Accepted Solutions

Very Insightful Person
Very Insightful Person

Having changed the password can you now access the email account via VM webmail at

If you can but are still unable to access the email address via email apps it will be due to a recent change to secuity made by VM.

If you have recently changed the password for the My Virgin Media account associated with this email address you now have to generate an app specific password to use in order to access the email address via a third party email client.
App passwords are generated by logging into your My Virgin Media account> Account Settings> Account Details> Mailbox app password management.

Once you have generated the app password enter it into the password field in the settings for your email apps 



I'm a Very Insightful Person, I'm here to share knowledge, I don't work for Virgin Media, I'm a VM customer. There are no guarantees that my advice will work. Please read the FAQs
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Very Insightful Person
Very Insightful Person

@Sauzee1 It does look like you are being fobbed off.

The most important question is are you still a Virgin Media broadband customer and is the blueyonder email address concerned attached to the account?

If so then have you followed the instructions in the mailbox unavailable message to change the password for the email account?

Each email address now has its own My VM account

Secondary accounts changes now have to be made via the My Virgin Media account for the secondary email.

Sign into the account here: using the email address concerned and the current password. Once logged in click on Account Settings then Account details. You should now see the options to change password etc.

If that isn't available try

If no security answers have been set for the email address concerned then you will need to call in for support and select technical issues> email



I'm a Very Insightful Person, I'm here to share knowledge, I don't work for Virgin Media, I'm a VM customer. There are no guarantees that my advice will work. Please read the FAQs
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Hi Graham

Thanks for your advice, I thought I was being fobbed off.   I can (and have) changed the password as you suggested but when I try and update the email element it says that it's unable to verify the account name or password. It seems to think that I'm offline???  On my Virgin Media account, the account details show the email address as my sign in and contact details so it knows that's the email address (I think).  Do you have any other ideas or is it a case of trying virign media again.

Very Insightful Person
Very Insightful Person

Having changed the password can you now access the email account via VM webmail at

If you can but are still unable to access the email address via email apps it will be due to a recent change to secuity made by VM.

If you have recently changed the password for the My Virgin Media account associated with this email address you now have to generate an app specific password to use in order to access the email address via a third party email client.
App passwords are generated by logging into your My Virgin Media account> Account Settings> Account Details> Mailbox app password management.

Once you have generated the app password enter it into the password field in the settings for your email apps 



I'm a Very Insightful Person, I'm here to share knowledge, I don't work for Virgin Media, I'm a VM customer. There are no guarantees that my advice will work. Please read the FAQs
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Hi Graham

Thank you so much for your help, I managed to resolve it 😀


Please could you let me know how you resolved it. It has been driving me mad all week & I'm worrying I am missing so many emails.



I had to initally get in touch with Virgin Media and it turned out my account was locked (no idea why), however to get it working on the Mac Book I then had to follow Graham's advice on generating an app specific password..I'd never heard of that but then again I'm not particularly IT savvy, hence the reason I still use a Blueyonder email address😀

On our wavelength

Many thanks.I had footered around with that idea but could not make it work.Obviously I was doing soemthing wrong because I have just done exactly as you suggested- and it worked!
