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What is the lowest price people are paying

Tuning in

What is the lowest price people are paying for there package. i have been a customer for 25 years and i cant seem to get much of a discount


Community elder

Very much depends on what's in your package.

I pay £50/month for Gig1 only.

Alessandro Volta

@jayjayj wrote:

What is the lowest price people are paying for there package. i have been a customer for 25 years and i cant seem to get much of a discount

Try this past topic for some helpful advice on the business of re-negotiating

Also look on the VM website for the equivalent package you want and find the new customer pricing and the 'standard' pricing out of minimum term. You might expect to receive a renewal price somewhere between the two.

Do your research into what your alternatives are how much they will cost. Factor in any prices rises for each supplier over the minimum term so you know the total cost for the package over the whole of the minimum term. Once you have all the info to hand you are in a position to negotiate with VM.

The business of renegotiating only works though if you are actually prepared to leave VM. A canny sales agent will soon be able to tell if you really have no intention of leaving and will pitch any VM offer accordingly.

Tuning in

Before engaging in any conversation, set your expectations.

Prices offered will fluctuate heavily dependent on serviceability and the competitors in your area, your previous payment history and the likelihood that you will actually follow through with any threats to disconnect.

If you are able to get a better deal with another provider, then your next steps should be fairly straight forward.

Alessandro Volta

The longer you stay with VM the more you pay for up keep it seems then newer customers gets then they pay more for up keep the longer they stay.  
