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VM the most complained about for TV and landline

Problem sorter

According to the latest official Ofcom complaints stats to June. 

Vodafone are having a shocker in terms of broadband complaints (and have already had a quiet word in their ear). 

Sky continue to do well.

*Special shout out to unsexy Shell broadband for seeing huge improvements over the year to June and a note that BT have, conversely, been steadily declining. Maybe their rebadge as EE this week will suddenly halt this decline? 

Cancel VM here
Complain to VM
Demand compensation from VM here
Demand your call recordings here
Monitor the state of your VM connection here

Fibre optic


"It is positive to see that overall, complaints volumes have remained consistent compared to the previous quarter." - Ofcom

Really? The fact that complaints are the same as last quarter is a "positive" thing?

So what would they call it if improvements are made and complaints actually go down?

Just proves the poor expectations and standards. If I was in charge of writing that report I would tell it how it is: an absolute FAILURE that complaints are still the same as last quarter and that nothing has improved.

Seriously what a joke, "no improvement" = "positive" in Ofcom's world?... Hahaha. 😄

Roger 123   asim18 I like what you said on the 23rd October, 2023. I only joined Virgin Media on the 2nd October, 2023 and, although they managed to 'squeeze' £313.12.! out of me for my FIRST bill which of course I paid, I have had what I can only describe as a 'nightmare' in dealing with them. On Friday, the 24th November, 2023, Virgin Media's engineer whilst connecting up a ground floor flat in my same block (I am on the first floor above) without telling me or my neighbour across the same first floor block, opened the first floor telecommunications cupboard and promptly cut off my neighbour's television (*she is not a Virgin Media customer). I tried desperately to have her television restored for the Weekend, I even got her to ring Virgin Media, but all to no avail. Virgin Media *REFUSED to help in any way, no engineer's visit, no nothing. On Monday, the 27th November, 2023, my neighbour had to call in her OWN engineer who charged her **£71.99. which of course I had to reimburse her with. On Tuesday, the 28th November, 2023, Virgin Media's engineer 'appeared' at my door, GEORGE 13634, and admitted that HE had cut the wires to my neighbours television. As I hold Virgin Media RESPONSIBLE for the £71.99. bill and have given them 2 (two) weeks from yesterday, Sunday, the 3rd December, 2023, to REIMBURSE me, I will not 'mess around' but seek A LEGAL REMEDY if this bill is not paid.


Tuning in

They don’t care. Zero customer care and they seem proud of it. I’m out of this contract as soon as I can without paying a cancellation fee!


The illusion of a competitive market is high but in reality we either rely on Open Reach or VM. Some lucky folks have some neighbourhood network, but those are few. 

Atrocious customer service but the alternative is BT or the 30,000 Open Reach providers who's speed are poor and cost 2x more than VM... 

That's why they are proud and they can get away with it. Complaints wise, although the Customer Service is abysmal, compared to the number of users it's irrelevant and not representative of their service. 

Thanks and regards,

AlexanderMTTH   FROM ROGER 123   Alexander, I think I have made it abundantly clear about the way my elderly Wife and myself (myself being stricken with bad Parkinson's disease) have been treated since we joined Virgin Media only on the 2nd October, 2023. Our conclusion is that the situation has presented itself as being that of a 'nightmare'.