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This 'new' community forum site

Knows their stuff


What the flipping heck has happened here???

How the heck do you navigate this car crash??

Previously you could see all the board headers, and peruse the different posts.




Knows their stuff



  wonder how many people are not logging in much now!

Maybe that was the reason they did it, to discourage us.. They could then say the forum wasn't used much, so were going to ditch it??

Knowing VM, that's a distinct possibility 🤠

Tuning in

it's like trying to navigate the ubishaft discussion board. went from working as intended forum to complete garbage.

On our wavelength

I've found that at the bottom of every initial post on a thread are 3 tabs. Previous topic- all topics - next topic.

Clicking all topics did it for me.

Yea, They are going to run this for the next 6 to 12 months and say forum numbers took a dive so they are going to close it. 

A bit like they are not rolling out IPv6 because users are not currently using IPv6.

I do not work for VM, but I would. It is just a Job.
Most things I say I make up and sometimes it's useful, don't be mean if it's wrong.
I would also make websites for them, because the job never seems to require the website to work.

Up to speed

Can we have the old format back please. This new one is a dog's breakfast.

It makes the forums almost unreadable, but as the VM service in general is awful it's in keeping with the rest of it.