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On our wavelength

Hi , I am at the end of my contract and virgin are going to charge me nearly £80 for 50 mb broadband , tv mix+ and 24/7 free phone calls , I have been offered 100 channels and normal tv package ie , free weekend calls with 50 mb broadband for £45 , who thinks that’s a good offer .


Very Insightful Person
Very Insightful Person

Hi John2021 

Only you can decide if that's a decent offer and price you are willing to pay.

The current standard monthly pricing for M50 broadband and weekend calls is £45 - it would normally cost extra to add TV channels to that package,  so it sounds like you've been given a  special retentions offer.

Your current Mix TV tier is no longer sold, so the TV pack VM are proposing to add is called Mixit, you wouldn't have access to a lot of your current channels.

You can compare  the channels on the following page /ChannelGuide_July_23_4.pdf 

The obsolete Mix tier is in column 2 and the new Mixit tier is in column 4.


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On our wavelength

Well , if that is the best they can offer I am gone , it’s ripoff, I am on the lowest you can get 

@John2021 wrote:

Well , if that is the best they can offer I am gone , it’s ripoff, I am on the lowest you can get 

A ripoff compared to what?

Under £1.50 a day for access to the whole internet is pretty good when you think about it, never mind the other addons.

What else do you spend £1.50 a day on that could be a 'ripoff'?

You are correct Dave , I shall see what others offer , I believe I can do better .

Having looked at other offers , it is expensive , that is how you compare to see if it’s a fair charge or not , we have just got others in the area supplying services and they are offering faster for less and I have looked into it by talking to people that have switched , who tell me it’s very good .

If another company offers 100 mb for £25 with phone calls and is reliable , then that is what you compare it to .