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No access to a certain web page all of a sudden - only through router - No issue through 4g mobile

On our wavelength

A certain website, "Know Your Place" - "Maps", a government sponsored educational website im not able to access through router either through mobile phone or desktop somehow the maps have been blocked. I can access the home page of the website . Was all working at the start of the week and now won't load. Contacted Gov. website tech they say no issue their end and can access the maps their end with no issue. No maintenance work is being carried out Can access "Know Your Place " website maps through 4g on phone no problem. Rebooted hub etc still no good and seems the "maps" pages  has been blocked through router. What could have changed that affects both phones and desktop, laptop etc bt only through the router and not 4g?


Very Insightful Person
Very Insightful Person

The most likely thing is they have blocked your ip, easy to check switch your router to modem mode and try to access it with a wired connection, if it works it's because your ip has been blocked and only their it guy can unblock it

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