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Cannot Communicate !

Joining in

I’ve never felt so frustrated with an organisation as I do with Virgin. I have a range of problems ranging from being unable to access my email account to unable to log in to MVM, wrong pricing charged etc etc.  I cannot contact anybody despite holding on the line for a crazy amount of time. I wanted to discuss a new contract but decided after a lengthy unanswered call that the issues of non communication are just too great. I decided that it was best to cancel and move to another platform but I can’t even do that online !  It says I must call them to cancel but once again I cannot make contact. If I simply stop paying I run the risk of credit rating issues but I’m just lost in knowing what else I can possibly do ? Any thoughts appreciated?


Alessandro Volta

Your problem with trying to cancel is a common one. The regulator OFCOM is investigating this very issue. Read this thread and please joint them in reporting it.

- jpeg1
My name is NOT Alessandro. That's just a tag Virginmedia sticks on some contributors. Please ignore it.

Very Insightful Person
Very Insightful Person

Hi Wrighty99 

All cancellation methods are listed on the following page 

You can open the Live Chat Messenger on that page.

You can also cancel, or negotiate a new deal by calling either 150 from a VM landline or mobile, or 0345 454 1111 from any other phone, call around 8am if possible when lines first open and are least busy.

If you don't want to be tied up on the phone you could also  speak to the team on WhatsApp on 0730 532 7112.This often takes 4-6 hours- phone calls take priority.

You can also cancel using the good old fashioned Royal Mail. If writing include all of your account details and send it by registered (signed for) post to 

Virgin Media
SR43 4AA

I don't work for Virgin Media.
I'm a Very Insightful Person, I'm here to share knowledge.
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