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Netflix restricted and Virgin falsifying complaint records.

On our wavelength

I had my Netflix account restricted by Virgin Media after I paid my bill. I contacted Virgin the day after and was told not to worry, the services will resume within 24-48 hours.


Ayer 3 days I called and was told that all my services should be working fine and they don't know why there is a hold or even how. I was told to be reassured and that it would be fixed.


4 days later and still nothing. I called again to be told that there's no record on the system of any issue and they will raise a complaint ticket. I told them that I've already got 2 complaint ticket references showing these have been raised. I was reassured again by someone called Sean that he would personally get it resolved and call me back 10 days later. 


Sean called back and asked if it was now working. I said no. I asked in the 2 weeks that they had been notified of my issue what had they done to resolve it. He confirmed that a form had been filled out. Apparently it takes 2 weeks to fill out a form and submit it.  I was then told that as it was part of my Volt bundle, Virgin don't actually have to supply me with Netflix as it's just an incentive. I confirmed I pay for my package and Sean didn't care. He then logged another call back - which he never called me back.


I logged a complaint on WhatsApp using love chat where I was apologised to profusely and told repeatedly that the issue will be prioritised and dealt with immediately. 


I then spoke to someone again on the phone a few days later called Mohammed I think, and explained the issue. I was told that Virgin Media cannot put this restriction in place so it's a Netflix issue not a Virgin one. I categorically told him that the error message EXPRESSLY states that Virgin Media have placed a temporary hold on my Netflix account. I also said that I had repeated this error on the phone 3 times and once in Live Chat, therefore this should quite clearly be documented.


Mohammed arranged a call back 3 days later.


I then went online to track my complaint and noted that all bar one of my complaint logs had been marked resolved with a green tick. Not a single one of my complaints have been resolved but they have been falsely marked as such in order to falsify records to make it look like Virgin Media are good and quick at resolving complaints when actually they simple close down active complaints and lie stating that they are resolved.


Mohammed called back and asked if my services are now working. I said no. He again said that he has spoken to management and it's not a Virgin Media thing it's a Netflix issue. I stated that I've actually spoken to Netflix who have confirmed that as the package is paid for through Virgin, Netflix cannot place these holds on the account, only Virgin. Hence the message saying Virgin Media have put the account on hold.


Mohammed is very clearly lying as he doesn't understand how to fix it.


Surely a simple email to Netflix from the relevant department telling them to remove the restriction is all that is required but apparently it has taken 4 weeks now for everyone in the relevant department to scratch their heads and have no idea what to do.


Mohammed said that I am the only customer of Virgins with this restriction issue and they've never come across it before, despite me reading other forum posts with this EXACT issue!


Mohammed has confirmed that he will call me Wednesday.


I have now taken screenshots of the WhatsApp messages, emails and also the 'resolved' complaints and think it's time to involve the Ombudsman as I think they'll be interested to know that Virgin Media are incorrectly classing complaints as resolved to improve their complaint handling record. Surely this is in breach of a code of conduct but I shall leave this to the experts to handle.  Clearly Virgin Media are completely incapable of removing a simple restriction that shouldn't have been put on in the first place. 




On our wavelength



Proof of error message and proof of virgin resolving ongoing complaint to falsify records.


On our wavelength


Hey GinaL,

Welcome to the community and thanks for taking the time to post here on the forums.

I'm so sorry to hear of the issues that you're having with Netflix on your account, I can see that this has been raised with our support team and is being looked in to at the moment by them, they will be getting in touch as soon as possible. 

If you wish to obtain the call recordings for your account, you can request that here and this will be sent out to you. 

Kind Regards,


On our wavelength


kind of sums up Virgin Media on the whole doesn't it. I can't even ask for a subject access request without something going wrong.


Thank you for the reply Steven.  I see that you say the team are working on it but they clearly aren't, from looking at other threads on this forum it is a consistent issue with Virgin Media and Netflix but Virgin Media aren't doing anything to resolve it.

Surely Virgin Media can't offer Netflix as an add on for Volt as an incentive and then not only not offer it but restrict it fully! I'll keep trying to obtain my records and then just forward it all to the Ombudsman to review as clearly Virgin Media don't really care about their customers and aren't working to resolve anything at all. 

I see on the complaints page that Virgin Media have to be open about how many complaints they have had and how many have been resolved etc and from my experience I now realise that a lot of the information must be falsified by Virgin Media.



On our wavelength

Hi Steven,

Just to give you an update, I've not had a single call from anyone at Virgin Media to assist with my issue. I have tried calling and spoke to someone with no idea about technical help at all and despite me saying I have my Netflix account restricted she was adamant that I needed an engineer to come to my house to fix it. I'm not paying the call out fee for an uneducated customer service rep.

I even called to cancel the engineer and this request wasn't followed.

I've now gone back onto track my complaint and low and behold, my complaint has been logged as resolved yet again despite still being restricted.

As you and everyone else from Virgin Media are offering zero assistance in this matter then I can only assume that you are happy with falsifying records and think it appropriate for me to raise with the Ombudsman. That is now my next step.

I have tried to follow Virgin Medias complaint procedure but seeing as Virgin Media don't actually follow it themselves then the only step I have left to take is with the Ombudsman.

I'm tempted to put this comment on every single post in every single forum to see whether anyone from Virgin will actually read it and take note. 

Time will tell.

Alessandro Volta

@GinaL wrote:

Hi Steven,

Just to give you an update, I've not had a single call from anyone at Virgin Media to assist with my issue. I have tried calling and spoke to someone with no idea about technical help at all and despite me saying I have my Netflix account restricted she was adamant that I needed an engineer to come to my house to fix it. I'm not paying the call out fee for an uneducated customer service rep.

I even called to cancel the engineer and this request wasn't followed.

I've now gone back onto track my complaint and low and behold, my complaint has been logged as resolved yet again despite still being restricted.

As you and everyone else from Virgin Media are offering zero assistance in this matter then I can only assume that you are happy with falsifying records and think it appropriate for me to raise with the Ombudsman. That is now my next step.

I have tried to follow Virgin Medias complaint procedure but seeing as Virgin Media don't actually follow it themselves then the only step I have left to take is with the Ombudsman.

I'm tempted to put this comment on every single post in every single forum to see whether anyone from Virgin will actually read it and take note. 

Time will tell.

and dont forget when you do take it to the arbitrator to add a substantial amount over and above anything you are owed - £100 or more would be my starting point


Sacked VIP

Forum Team (Retired)
Forum Team (Retired)

Hi GinaL, thanks for this reply and your update on the issues.

We're sorry to hear this is still ongoing and your complaint has been closed as resolved, we can see that the team had attempted to reach you over a call recently, sorry if this was missed.

In regard to the Netflix issues, we can advise that we've been working on this but have not confirmed a fix yet.

In relation to your poor communication/support over the previous calls and complaints raised, I'd like to apologise as this is not the experience we want for you.

In case you're still haven't heard from us about your case after your latest post do let me know here and I will be eager to jump in and help.

Forum Team

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On our wavelength

Hi Adri,

Thank you for your reply.

As expected, I've not had a single attempt of communication from Virgin about this ongoing issue.

The error message on Netflix has now changed to asking me to update payment method. From reading other comments about the same issue, Virgin Media are not paying Netflix for the service and I'm still restricted. It's a great incentive provided by Virgin Media. "Link your Netflix to your Virgin Media account and we will restrict access for you indefinitely and do nothing to resolve it".

With regards to complaints, every single one bar one has now been marked as closed and resolved. It's a way of falsifying records and making it look like Virgin are doing a great job when from my experience they have been utterly useless.

Apologising for the dreadful service and falsifying of records doesn't go far enough I'm afraid. I've been told that I will get compensation/good will gestures added to my account etc and guarantee after guarantee of the issue being resolved. Every single one of these has been a complete lie. 

False promises and not a single person actually offering any assistance or following the complaints procedure as detailed on Virgins website.

It states how the complaints process works and timescales and yet Virgin are incapable of following their own rules!

As for missing a call, I've not missed any. As always, I've been promised a call back and no one has done. I've completed a subject access request to prove this as I feel that all I can now do is contact the Ombudsman with the evidence to show that Virgin Media do not train their staff, do not know how to deal with issues or subsequent complaints and just waste customers time hoping that they will just give up.

It's a poor way of running such a huge firm.

All I simply want is access to my Netflix account.

Adri, can you explain, why in over 6 weeks, not a single person at Virgin is able to get me access to my Netflix account which has been restricted by Virgin Media! Does no one know how to operate a pc, telephone or emails at Virgin Media?


Thank you for that information GinaL. We can certainly appreciate your frustration with this. 

To confirm, have you raised this with the ombudsman already?
